Paul McEwan | Rea CPA
Jun 27, 2024

Introducing a Brighter Way 401(k) Group Plan Solution

Join us for an informative webinar that will introduce you to A Brighter Way 401(k) Group Plan Solution. Our experienced panel will delve into the benefits of this innovative platform for plan sponsors and discuss how it can enhance efficiency for your practice. Learn about the roles and responsibilities of providers involved and discover where this solution fits within the small plan market. 
Oct 4, 2023

Simplifying Retirement Savings for Your Employees: Roth vs. Traditional 401(k) Plans Explained

As an employer, you recognize that choosing a retirement plan for your employees is a pivotal step in securing their financial well-being. One of the key decisions they'll face on this journey is choosing between a Roth and a traditional pretax 401(k). We understand that making this choice can be challenging, so we’re breaking it down for you to equip your employees to make decisions that impact their unique circumstances. 
Aug 28, 2023

IRS Glitch Blamed for Erroneous Late Filing Notices Related to Retirement Plan Filings

An issue has been identified with IRS reporting related to Form 8955-SSA that may impact some of our clients, and we want to ensure that you are informed and well prepared to address any concerns that may arise.
May 15, 2023

Learn About the New Retirement Plan Tax Credits Available 

During this presentation, Paul McEwan CPA, principal with Rea’s retirement plan services team, will walk through the tax credits available for new retirement plans—particularly who is eligible and how much is available.
Apr 17, 2023

SECURE 2.0 – What You Need To Know

Paul McEwan, principal with Rea’s retirement plan services team, who reviewed the new rules that impact you the most from the passage of the SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022, which was signed into law on December 29, 2022.  Although some of the SECURE 2.0 changes are optional and not effective yet, you need to start … Continued
Oct 24, 2022

Is Your Retirement Plan Growing with Your Business?

Sponsoring and maintaining a retirement plan for a small business can seem daunting.
Mar 11, 2022

‘Group of Plan’ Arrangements Offer Cost Savings for 401(k) Sponsors

sponsors are familiar with solutions like multiple employer plans (MEPs) and pooled employer plans (PEPs). But one of the least well-known plans may be the most effective solution for plan sponsors who are looking to cut costs and maintain local service and plan design flexibility – the “group of plans” arrangement.
Jan 11, 2022

Late Notice From The IRS Or DOL? Read Before You Act

f you get a late notice from the IRS related to your Form 5500, but you filed on time, don’t panic. Simply let us know and we’ll advise you of next steps to clear things up with the IRS.
Oct 19, 2021

Competitive 401k Plan Design: Plan Design to Help Win the Battle for Talent

Gain insight on how to enhance your organizations benefits package to retain and attract top talent, increasing participation and more! As the job market becomes more competitive, so do the perks that come with it. Potential employees are looking for organizations with more of an appeal. That means better pay, a better work-life balance, and … Continued
May 28, 2021

PPP Recipients: Loan Invoices Are Coming

The SBA will soon release invoices for your PPP loans. Have you completed your loan forgiveness application yet?
Apr 19, 2021

Your Solo 401(k) Plan May Be On The IRS’ Audit List

If your solo 401(k) plan was audited tomorrow, would you come out the other side with flying colors or penalties?
Mar 31, 2021

PPP Loan Application Deadline Extended

Employers now have until May 31, 2021 to apply for a PPP loan.
Mar 8, 2021

SBA Releases Interim Final Rule, Extends PPP Eligibility

Is your business now eligible to claim a piece of the PPP pie? Thanks to the SBA's new interim final rule, the answer may be "yes!"
Feb 12, 2021

Disregard That Form 5500 Extension Letter Regarding Your 2019 Retirement Plan

Delayed IRS extension approval letters are causing confusion among retirement plan sponsors.
Feb 4, 2021

Having Problems Claiming The Second Draw PPP Loan?

Wondering what's going on with your PPP 2.0 application or your PPP Loan Forgiveness Application? Here's what we know.
Dec 29, 2020

What Does The New Stimulus Bill Mean For Businesses?

Find out what the new stimulus bill means for businesses in Ohio and beyond.
Dec 29, 2020

Take A Look At The New PPP Legislation

Looking for an overview of the new PPP legislation? Look no further.
Nov 4, 2020

Hackers Want Access To Your Company’s Retirement Plan Accounts Too

Cybercriminals are looking at your company's retirement plan accounts and licking their chops. How are you going to stop them?
Jul 22, 2020

How To Maximize Tax Savings With HSAs

It hasn't gotten any easier to recruit and retain top talent, which is why some businesses are taking a closer look at their existing benefit plans. This free webinar will shine some light on the tax benefits of Health Savings Accounts.
Jul 21, 2020

Episode 242: How The SECURE Act Impacts Retirement Planning For Companies & Individuals

Find out how the SECURE Act has changed the rules of the retirement planning game for businesses and individuals.
Jun 23, 2020

What Is Life After Coronavirus? PPP Loan Forgiveness Updates & FAQ

Rea's SBA & PPP Loan Task Force takes are back to answer your questions about the PPP Loan Forgiveness recent updates.
Jun 5, 2020

PPP Flexibility Changes Become Law

Find out how the PPP Flexibility Act is changing the Payroll Protection Plan.
May 27, 2020

What Is Life After Coronavirus? Working Through The PPP Loan Forgiveness Application

Rea's SBA & PPP Loan Task Force takes on the PPP Loan Forgiveness Application during this 90-minute webinar.
Apr 29, 2020

What Is Life After Coronavirus? Navigating PPP Forgiveness & Intro To Main Street Lending Program

Learn how to navigate PPP loan forgiveness and learn more about the Main Street Lending Program during this interactive, pre-recorded webinar.
Apr 1, 2020

What Is Life After Coronavirus? How To Claim Disaster & CARES Act Small Business Loans

Our SBA Loan Task Force provides you with the information you need to understand the resources now available through the SBA disaster loan program and CARES Act.
Mar 27, 2020

What Is Life After Coronavirus? Coping With Financial Anxiety & Recession Worry

This webinar will help you make sense of the financial anxiety and recession worry resulting from COVID-19.
Feb 19, 2020

SECURE Act Ushers In Substantial Retirement Plan Changes

The SECURE Act is here ... find out what that means for you.
Sep 3, 2019

Evaluation of HSAs Requires a Team Approach

Want to know how a health savings account can save your hard earned money? Read on ...
Aug 28, 2019

The Best Tax Deferral Opportunity Is A Retirement Plan

A great plan design will deliver a big punch.
Apr 26, 2019

Health Plan Held To Same ERISA Fiduciary Standards As Retirement Plans

Keep reading to discover why ERISA fiduciary duties should be viewed essentially the same way as retirement plan fiduciary duties.
Apr 25, 2019

What’s Going On With Retirement Plan Legislation?

The SECURE Act and the RESA bill are currently in Congress. Both pieces of legislation are geared toward helping employees be prepared for retirement. Read on to learn more about the pending legislature.
Feb 22, 2019

Another Way Great Plan Advisors Can Add Value

Want to provide your retirement plan sponsors with greater value to create lifetime clients? We have some suggestions!
Nov 19, 2018

Need Help Retaining Employees?

Your retirement plan could be the key to improving your company's employee retention rate and recruitment effectiveness. Find out how.
Nov 9, 2018

Proposed MEP Legislation Would Undermine Fiduciary Protections

ERISA ensures that benefits in employer-sponsored retirement plans are protected from bad actors – but proposed legislation would reduce those protections.
Sep 18, 2018

IRA Beneficiaries Vs. Designated Beneficiaries

Do you know the difference between an IRA beneficiary and a designated beneficiary? If you have heirs, you should.
Sep 14, 2018

Morningstar Aims To Tidy Up Commission-Free ‘Clean Shares’ Definition

The investment community is buzzing about "clean shares" but are they really as spotless as they sound?
Aug 21, 2018

Sacerdote v. N.Y. University: A Cautionary Tale To Plan Fiduciaries

Lawsuits for alleged mismanagement of retirement plans are occurring more frequently than ever. Find out what one of the latest ones has taught us.
Jul 27, 2018

How a Cash Balance Plan 401(k) Will Secure Your Retirement

Is it time to play catch up with your retirement plan? Adding a cash balance pension plan option to your profit sharing 401(k) plan may be the way to go.
Jul 26, 2018

Vanguard Drops Its Own Retirement Fund

Vanguard recently removed one of the nation's most popular mutual funds from its own plan. Find out what the biggest takeaways are from this move.
Apr 13, 2018

Bipartisan Budget Act Changes Hardship Withdrawal Rules

It will soon be easier to pull cash from your 401(k) in the event of hardship.
Apr 8, 2018

Correction Programs are Available to Help Plans Remain Compliant

Got retirement plan errors? This article names a few solutions that might help.
Mar 20, 2018

Room For Growth: How To Get To The Top Of Your Fiduciary Game

If you exercise discretionary authority, control or responsibility over your company's retirement plan, you're a fiduciary. Are you in compliance with ERISA?
Nov 17, 2017

To Roth Or Not To Roth

Does your employer give you the option of using a Roth 401(k) and Traditional 401(k) to save for retirement? Are you wondering what the difference is? This article will hopefully clear things up a bit.
Oct 26, 2017

Economics Nobel Prize Awarded To Richard Thaler For Retirement Savings Strategies

While Richard Thaler may not be a name you’ve recently discussed while gathered around the dinner table, if you are a fan of the idea of retirement, you might want to stop and take notice. Keep reading to find out why.
Oct 21, 2017

What To Look For In A TPA

Working with a third party administrator (TPA) can take a lot of stress off your plate, but how do you know which one is the right one? Keep reading to find out.
Sep 8, 2017

Do Retirement Plan Sponsors Find Your Advisory Services Valuable?

Retirement plan advisors are chosen by plan sponsors for a variety of reasons, but unless advisors prove to be knowledgeable, attentive and supportive, their plan sponsors will not hesitate to look for an advisor who will.
Aug 29, 2017

Another Way To Help Your Employees Save

Looking for a way to make your benefits package more desirable? Adding an employer-sponsored 529 Plan could be just what you need to attract and retain top talent. Read on to learn more.
Dec 2, 2016

Great Advisors Always Review & Reassess

When recommending or working with service providers, retirement plan advisors must be sure they are meeting their fiduciary responsibilities.
Nov 30, 2016

Plan Sponsors Must Now Accommodate Tighter IDR Deadlines

Late last month, the IRS issued a memo to its examiners regarding the process for handling information document requests (IDRs) in retirement plan audits. Read on to find out what has changed.
Nov 15, 2016

DOL Takes Aim At Revenue Sharing

The DOL has focused its attention on eliminating revenue sharing within qualified defined contribution retirement plans. Opponents claim the practice is at odds with ERISA’s strict fiduciary duties.
Aug 26, 2016

When Fiduciaries Fail To Put Participants First, The Legal System Takes Notice

Fiduciaries are learning the hard way that when it comes to managing their retirement plans they better have the best interests of participants in mind or face legal action.
May 9, 2016

episode 32: pedal fast so the future is not your fault; default into savings now

This week, on episode 32, Pedal Fast So The Future Is Not Your Fault; Default Into Savings Now, we receive some critical insight from Paul McEwan, CPA, MTax, AIFA, Rea’s principal and director of benefit plan services – if the private sector doesn’t take control of America’s retirement problem, sooner or later the government will. Business … Continued
Jan 28, 2016

Retirement Plan Participants Are Content To Watch Their Savings Simmer

It took a while to get to this point, but after taking time to grow and adapt to the ebbs and flows of the marketplace, the defined contribution retirement plan has finally come into its own. Read on to learn more about the current retirement savings climate.
Dec 7, 2015

Forget What You Think You Know

Providing your employees with the option of participating in a Health Savings Account (HSA) can be a great way to help them manage their wealth strategies. But they may need to be educated when it comes to realizing the real value of this option. Read on to learn more.
Sep 4, 2013

Five Steps to Mitigate Your 401k Fiduciary Risk

There is so much noise in the marketplace regarding the fiduciary responsibility of plan sponsors it’s no wonder people are confused. The confusion starts with who is a fiduciary so it’s important to note that fiduciary status is based on the functions performed for the plan, not a person’s title. Your plan’s fiduciaries will ordinarily … Continued
May 31, 2012

Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow

As our economy begins to recover, more and more workers will be seeking new jobs. In fact, a recent survey has noted that two out of three employees want to find a new position. So what happens to their 401(k)s when they leave? For many people, nothing, according to Fidelity Investments. In a recent study, … Continued
Dec 1, 2011

Why Your CPA Should Service Your TPA

When it comes to servicing your third party administrator retirement plan, employers have a myriad of choices in providers. However the smartest choice to service your plan could be your accounting professional. Here are a few of the advantages to this relationship. Seeing the bigger picture. Your CPA should already be serving as your tax … Continued
Apr 28, 2011

Preparing for 408(b)(2) Fee Disclosure

Although the recent ERISA 408(b)(2) fee disclosure regulations – originally due to go into effect in July – have been pushed back until 2012, as a plan sponsor, are you prepared for the consequences of this sudden dose of transparency? Make no mistake, plan fee transparency is a good thing, and long overdue. However, it … Continued
May 6, 2009

Commonly Asked Questions About Safe Harbor 401(k)s

With many business owners continuing to experience economic challenges, employers are seeking ways to reduce or eliminate retirement plan contributions as one way to control their business costs. The following are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about eliminating or freezing fixed contributions under safe harbor 401(k) plans. May an employer freeze … Continued