How The SECURE Act Has Changed The Retirement Planning Game | unsuitable on Rea Radio | Rea CPA

Episode 242: How The SECURE Act Impacts Retirement Planning For Companies & Individuals

Paul McEwan & Steve Frank | SECURE Act Podcast | Ohio Business Podcast

About Paul

Paul McEwan is a principal at Rea & Associates where he leads the firm’s retirement plan consulting and administration services team. He is responsible for consulting with clients on fiduciary best practices related to their qualified retirement plans. Partnering with investment advisors to build their retirement plan practices, and helping clients keep their retirement plans in compliance with federal requirements. With more than 30 years of accounting industry experience, his areas of expertise include retirement plan fiduciary issues, plan compliance, and reporting issues. Learn more about Paul.

About Steve

Steve Frank is a principal and financial advisory with Investment Partners. He started his career in the financial services industry in 1987 and went on to build a successful reputation in the personal finance and insurance space. Steve holds several securities registrations and has earned the Accredited Investment Fiduciary professional designation. Additionally, he is an active member of the Summit Study Group, The Retirement Plan Advisory Group, and he has been recognized as a President's Club advisor. Learn more about Steve. 

Paul McEwan & Steve Frank | SECURE Act Explained | Ohio Business Podcast

New Incentives Make It Easier To Offer Retirement Plans

Late last year, lawmakers passed one of the most substantial updates to help business owners with new retirement plans. Today, we are going to take a look at the SECURE Act and the impact it currently has on companies, beneficiaries, and individual retirement accounts. 

Paul McEwan, principal and director of Benefit Plan Services with Rea & Associates, and Steve Frank, principal and financial advisor with wealth management organization Investment Partners, are here to help us break down the SECURE Act and give us some insight on fiduciary best practices related to retirement planning.

Listen to this episode of unsuitable to learn:

  • How new incentives make it easier for companies to offer retirement plans
  • What individuals need to know about changes to IRAs and 401(k) plans and major changes for beneficiaries
  • What companies, individuals, and beneficiaries should keep in mind, as things like the pandemic and recession may impact the SECURE Act

Additional Resources

Doug Houser Interviews Paul McEwan | Ohio Business Podcast | unsuitable on Rea Radio

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