Financial Statement Preparation
Analyzing Financial Statements
Even if your business isn't publicly traded, preparing financial statements on a monthly or quarterly business should be an important business tool in your management decisions. Financial statement preparation works as a scorecard to help you determine how your business is doing currently, how it compares to last year and help you identify any fluctuations in sales or accounts receivable.
Analyzing financial statements also becomes crucial when you seek financing for your business. Lenders look for financial information in a specific format. We understand this process, and can not only prepare financial statements in the format lenders prefer, but also walk you through this information and discuss any areas that might raise questions from lenders. This way, you'll be better prepared for the discussion you'll have in your loan meeting.
Especially over the past few years, more and more vendors and larger customers are also beginning to ask for financial statements as a condition of doing business with you. We can create an abbreviated financial statement that shows the financial stability of your company without giving away confidential information.
And, if you decide to sell your business, preparing financial statements will be crucial to a potential buyer.
As with our other accounting services, there are many options to help you prepare financial statements, depending on your company's needs. If your business pays its own bills and processes its own payroll, our accounting professionals can take your financial information and quickly produce a monthly or quarterly statement and review your in-house accounting for any adjustments.