Are Your Employees Happy? | Ohio Business Podcast

Episode 291: Are Your Employees Happy?

Steve Chapparo Talks Company Culture | unsuitable on Rea Radio | Ohio Business Podcast

Meet Steve

Steve Chaparro is an organizational culture expert and communicator who speaks worldwide about how companies can transform their workplace culture through intentional co-creation and communication. A self-described frustrated visionary, Steve is passionate about delivering the message of navigating the transformative journey of leadership resonates with visionaries and innovators who find themselves stuck in the messy, in-between seasons. He himself embodies and defines the in-between - the bridges, the connections, and the culture - of community. By standing astride disciplines of design, architecture, culture, and communications, he equips the community to speak for and solve for its own needs and aspirations. Click here to learn more about Steve.

Steve Chapparo | Workplace Culture | Ohio Business Podcast

How To Keep Your Employees Happy In The Workplace

These days, company culture is everything – especially with so many businesses competing for top talent. When a prospective employee is considering multiple opportunities, a winning company culture can ultimately seal the deal. What are you doing to improve yours and keep employees happy? How are you improving your employer brand? Culture design strategist Steve Chaparro joins Doug Houser on unsuitable on Rea Radio to reveal some best practices for small- to midsize businesses.

Learn how to keep employees happy in your business or organization - Rea & Associates - Ohio Business Podcast

Transforming Your Workplace Culture = Happy Employees

Steve Chaparro has helped companies transform their workplace culture through the introduction of intentional co-creation and communication. He regularly talks to business owners and organizational leaders about this topic as a professional keynote speaker. During his informative, interactive sessions, Steve shares insights and best practices he has gathered over his long and successful career to help others develop an envy-inducing company culture.

What You’ll Learn About Keeping Employees Happy On This Episode of unsuitable

Over the course of this 20-minute episode, Doug asks hard-hitting questions that provide listeners with critical “how-to” knowledge of building the perfect company culture. Specifically, Steve talks about:

  • How to lay the foundation of your organization’s company culture.
  • What you should be on the lookout for to determine when to change culture after a negative impact.
  • Ways you can determine when your employees are happy (and how to keep them that way).

Additional Company Culture Content

Rea & Associates has addressed the topic of company culture numerous times over the years. We’ve interviewed key thought leaders in the industry and we’ve shared what our firm is doing to improve our own company culture. Happy employees are the key to success and we are dedicated to doing the leg-work to keep ours in employee bliss! If you would like to learn more about this topic, check out previous episodes of unsuitable or some articles we’ve published on the topic.

Doug Houser | Company Culture Interview | Ohio Business Podcast

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