How To Build Company Morale In A Virtual World | Ohio Business Podcast

Episode 270: Building Company Morale In A Virtual World

Build Company Morale Virtually | Abbey Kanellakis | Ohio Business Podcast
Abbey Kanellakis | unsuitable on Rea Radio | Ohio Business Podcast

Positive Company Morale Reinforces Your Bottom Line And Culture

Creating company morale in a virtual world can be quite difficult, but it’s not impossible.

Abbey Kanellakis is going to talk about our initiatives within Rea to keep virtual life engaging, known as the Committee of Awesomeness.

What You’ll Hear

  • The challenges with keeping up morale in a remote environment
  • How to increase the connection through virtual platforms
  • How to get people involved in the process

Learn More

Doug Houser Interviews Abbey Kanellakis | Company Morale | Ohio Business Podcast

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