Six Resources for Dental Professionals | Rea CPA

Six Resources for Dental Professionals

CPA for Dental Professionals

For Practices of Every Size

Whether you are just getting started in your dental practice, or you’re a seasoned dental professional, Rea & Associates has the expertise to address the unique challenges facing dentists.

HR Consulting Services

To be successful, your dental practice needs a strong human resources department. Rea & Associates’ Human Resources Consulting Team could save your practice money by negating the need to hire a full time HR professional. Rea & Associates HR Subscription Services will help you meet compliance responsibilities, give you the tools to retain employees, and hire new ones. Read about our HR Subscription Services and find out which package would best suit your business.

Cybersecurity and HIPAA Compliance

Cybersecurity laws are constantly changing. For health care providers it is important your security contracts don’t leave you liable to HIPAA violations. Rea’s cybersecurity and data protection services team can further educate you on the importance of risk assessment and third-party due diligence.

Rea & Associates offers a free webinar on the cyber risks dental professionals are facing.

General Tax Services and PPP and ERC Opportunities

If you’re confused whether your practice qualifies for an Employee Retention Credit (ERC) or the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), Rea & Associates is here to help.

Read our article The PPP and ERC Can Work Together for Maximum Relief to find out if your dental practice is eligible to claim both PPP and ERC.

Client Advisory Services

Our client accounting and advisory specialists are there to manage the “back office” aspects of your dental practice. We can help your business ease into cloud based technology, manage your books and payroll, and identify market trends.

In-house accountants too can benefit from a CAS team. Outsourcing accounting services will give your in-house team time to focus on growth opportunities.

Listen to our podcast on CAS learn more.

401(k) Plan and Administration

The new SECURE Act offers business owners opportunities for tax credits when starting up a retirement plan for their business.

The Retirement Plan Startup Costs Tax Credit allows business owners the chance to claim up to $15,000. This credit could potentially be used to offset startup expenses like administration, set up, and employee education.

The Automatic Enrollment Tax Credit is for employers who start 401(k) plans that include automatic enrollment. The Automatic Enrollment Tax Credit is $500 per year for three years, meaning a possible $1,500 in tax credits.

If you’re interested in setting up a retirement plan for your dental practice visit our Retirement Plan Services page.

Brokerage Services

If you’re interested in buying or selling a dental practice, we work closely with brokerage firms like PMA to help you establish your career, build a thriving practice, and retire on your terms.

To learn more about how Rea & Associates can help your dental practice, check out our tailored services for dental professionals.

By Alan Hill, CPA, principal and director of dental services