Ohio's State And Local Tax Update | Ohio Business Podcast

Episode 275: Ohio’s State & Local Tax Update

Luke Lucas | Ohio State & Local Taxes | Business Podcast
Luke Lucas Discusses Ohio State And Local Tax Changes | Ohio Business Podcast

Hold On Tight! The State & Local Tax Man Is Looking For Funds

Even though the 2021 tax season is coming to an end, if you are a business owner, taxes should always be a topic of consideration — especially your tax obligations at the state and local levels. State and local tax issues continue to get a lot of attention and for good reason. On this episode of unsuitable on Rea Radio, Rea & Associates’ award-winning weekly podcast for business owners, we break down current state and local tax issues impacting business owners in Ohio and beyond.

Luke Lucas, a senior manager on Rea & Associates’ state and local tax team, is here to give us some insight into how different states have responded to the CARES Act, federal tax updates, and ongoing nexus guidance. He also explains how state and local taxes impact businesses all year long and what you should do to minimize your liability.

What You’ll Hear Pertaining To State & Local Tax Updates

  • What state responses to the CARES Act and Consolidated Appropriations Act have been like
  • The changes that have taken place during the pandemic
  • How 2021 budgets have changed and what to look out for

Learn More About State & Local Tax

Doug Houser Interviews Luke Lucas | State And Local Taxes | Business Podcast

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