How To Embrace Diversity In The Workplace | Desiree Lyon | Ohio Business Podcast | Rea CPA

Episode 246: How To Embrace Diversity In The Workplace

Desiree Lyon | Diversity In The Workplace | Ohio Business Podcast

Meet Desiree

As a human resources expert, Desiree Lyon is a regular guest on unsuitable, Desiree regularly speaks on topics that reflect her areas of expertise, including recruiting, employee engagement, HR compliance, workplace diversity, employee relations, and more.

Desiree Lyon | Human Resources Professional | Ohio Business Podcast

Create A Culture Of Inclusion

Embracing diversity and inclusion in the workplace is one of the many things that can strengthen your company culture (and bottom line), but a lot of employers don’t understand how and when to start taking action.

So we invited Desiree Lyon, Human Resource Manager at Rea & Associates, onto the show to teach us about the importance of diversity in the workplace, the impact it has during the recruiting process, and the challenges that organizations and individuals may face along the way.

Listen to this episode of unsuitable to learn:

  • Why diversity and inclusion benefits all organizations — and their bottom lines
  • How to take action as an employer
  • What are some of the challenges of today’s society in regards to diversity and inclusion and how can we work through those?

Learn more:

Doug Houser | Interview With Desiree Lyon | Ohio Business Podcast

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