Episode 225: Tips To Help You Make The Most Of Your Upcoming Liquidity Event | Rea CPA

Episode 225: Tips To Help You Make The Most Of Your Upcoming Liquidity Event

Joel’s deep knowledge of complex financial markets, global economic landscapes and the M&A environment enhances his ability to advise clients regarding their specific investment strategies, appropriate asset allocation, cash flow planning and estate planning needs. It is what has enabled him to successfully lead business owners, corporate executives, retirees and families through their long-term financial plans. “The key,” he says, “is being able to reduce complex financial situations to simple and understandable terms while building consensus among differing opinions and working to define, plan for and ultimately achieve sound financial goals.” Read Joel's full bio.

Joel Guth Interview | unsuitable | Ohio Business Podcast

None of us are getting any younger. 

Of course, nobody likes to be reminded of this fact — and when you are a business owner, thinking about what will happen to your business when you reach retirement age can be especially anxiety-inducing.

Joel Guth, CEO, and founder of Gryphon Financial Partners has seen countless owners grapple with this type of situation over the years and he helps clients approach future liquidity events holistically. In this episode of unsuitable, Joel will reveal how three simple questions can uncover your ideal course of action: when do you want to sell, to whom do you want to sell, and how much do you need to live the way you want after an exit?

Listen to this episode of unsuitable to learn:

  • The key to a fulfilling life after you exit
  • The pros and cons of different exit strategies
  • The additional and ongoing expenses that many people don’t consider when thinking about retirement

Learn more about this topic:

Joel Guth | Behind The Scenes | Ohio Business Podcast

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