192 | Company Culture On Recruiting & Retention | Rea CPA

episode 192 – recruit a team that loves to give back

With more than 25 years of human resources management experience in both the public and private sectors, Ron Guisinger joins Dave on this episode of unsuitable to talk about how companies that embrace a culture of philanthropy can recruit and retain top talent better than their competitors. Listen now!

Finding and retaining top talent continues to be a major challenge for nearly all businesses, so on this episode of unsuitable, we’re going to talk about the unexpected tools businesses already have at their disposal when it comes to recruiting and retention.

A professional in human resources management, Ron Guisinger serves as a senior consultant with the Benefactor Group, where he provides clients with leadership governance, executive transition, succession planning, and general HR consulting services. Ron explains how businesses that promote a culture of giving back can have more success when it comes to recruiting and retaining top talent.

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attracting & retaining talent: why is it important?

Ron has worked in both the for-profit sector and non-profit sectors and he’s seen first-hand that it doesn’t matter what industry or sector one is in – attracting, retaining, and engaging high-performing talent has a significant and direct impact on the bottom line.

But, as many business owners and hiring managers already know, really good talent is in short supply, and every industry has niche roles that can be especially difficult to fill. So, once you find someone who fits, you want to do everything you can to keep them and creating an engaging business culture is key.

But how does a business create an engaged workforce?

Listen to this episode to find out.

listen to learn more

If you are a business owner, hiring manager, or a talented individual who likes to give back, this episode will help answer the following questions:

  • How do you find the right person (or how do you know if you have found the right person)?
  • What are some ways – traditional and out-of-the-box – that businesses can find and retain talent?
  • How can philanthropy systems factor into finding and retaining talent?

watch the video

articles & insight

Making A Great Catch – Got a job opening? Being down even one person can hurt your productivity. But don’t let your sense of urgency cause you to make a hasty, regrettable hire. Read on to learn more.

Are Job Descriptions Becoming Obsolete? – The written statements outlining the qualifications, duties and responsibilities of an available position no longer carry the sway they once did. What are your prospects really looking for?

Podcast | HR Compliance on the rise – Remaining compliant with the ever-changing HR laws and regulations is nearly impossible without the right guidance. Luckily, we have a solution!

Fighting Back Against The Opioid Epidemic – The opioid epidemic continues to have devastating consequences and employers can’t seem to recruit or retain talent fast enough to fulfill the need for workers. Find out what you can do to overcome this challenge.

official transcript

Click here to read the official transcript for episode 192 on unsuitable on Rea Radio, “recruit a team that loves to give back,” featuring Ron Guisinger, a human resources expert with the Benefactor Group.