Life Savings Strategy | Retirement Planning | Ohio CPA Firm | Rea CPA

episode 14: life is a long race, start saving now

On episode 14 “Life Is A Long Race, Start Saving Now,” Mark is joined by Steve Renner, QKA, principal at Rea & Associates, to talk about key strategies business owners can deploy to help employees save for retirement. You’ll learn a little bit more about early enrollment, auto-enrollment, annual auto-escalation, safe harbor matches, and other more traditional options – all of which will help your business thrive while helping your employees save for one of the most important phases of their lives. Listen now!

how to help your employees save for retirement

Why Do They Turn Down Free Money?! – Would your employees turn down a 3 percent raise with no strings attached? What if I told you that it happens more often than you think? When your employees choose not to participate in your company’s 401(k) match program, they are essentially leaving free money on the table.f

how to help yourself save for retirement

Saving Early Can Pay Off During Retirement – If you’re like most people, someday you would like to retire. The problem is that almost 50 percent of us are at risk of not saving enough to maintain our current life style in retirement. Read on for a few tips to help you get back on track.

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