Compliant COVID Vaccine Discussion | Webinar | Ohio CPA Firm

Navigating The COVID-19 Vaccine In The WorkplaceNow Available On Demand!

When: Tuesday, April 20, 2021 | 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Location: View The Recording
Presented By:

Should mandatory vaccines be required for employment in a business and laws that govern whether an employee must comply. - Rea & Associates - Ohio Consulting Firm

How to Decide Whether A Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccine Policy Makes Sense In Your Business ... And How to Proceed

As the COVID vaccine continues to roll out, understanding how to navigate and conduct neutral conversations in the workplace may become a priority. How can you inform your employees about vaccine options, but stay HIPAA compliant and abide by legal limitations?

Join Rea & Associates and Critchfield, Critchfield & Johnston for a free, hour-long webinar, to gain insight about the COVID-19 vaccine, employer and employee resources from a human resource and legal perspective, CDC guidelines for continued employee safety, and more!

This informative webinar presented by Renee West, SHRM-SCP, PHR, a senior manager and HR consulting lead at Rea & Associates, and Kimberly Hall, a legal expert with Critchfield, Critchfield & Johnston, Ltd., will address the following points.

What You'll Hear About The COVID Vaccine & Whether Employers Can Require Vaccination As A Condition Of Employment

  • Guidance on how to navigate and conduct employee discussions about the vaccination.
  • Gain insight on best practices and the legal limitations on mandatory vaccination policies.
  • Whether is it legal for employers to mandate that employees receive the COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of employment?
  • Employer and employee resources regarding COVID-19 vaccines, CDC guidelines for continued employee safety, HIPAA compliance.

Additionally, the duo will set aside a significant portion of time to address your specific questions at the end of their formal presentation.

View The Recording Today!

Would you like to know what considerations you should be making before you move forward with implementing a mandatory COVID-19 policy in your workplace? Do you want to know what questions you can ask your employees about their vaccines? Are you wondering if there are certain considerations to be made with regard to disabilities or religion pertaining to the COVID vaccine? Then check out this webinar today. Kim and Renee do an excellent job clearing up some of the most commonly asked questions pertaining the workforce and mandatory vaccines - including whether it even makes sense to write a policy that addresses this issue and even what to do in the case of employees bullying each other due to their vaccination status. Fill out the short form below and we will email you a link to a copy of the webinar.

This webinar was recorded on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, and was accurate at the time it was originally broadcast. Since then, changes may have occurred. For the most up-to-date information, please contact your Rea & Associates advisor.