Predictive Index Assessment | HR Tools | Ohio CPA Firm | Rea CPA

Making Great Hires

Preescreening Tools | Predictive Index | Ohio CPA Firm
Looking to fill your team with great hires? A predictive index assessment tool may be just what you’re looking for. Read on to learn more.

The process of prescreening and hiring the most qualified individuals for your company can be very challenging. The job market is competitive and we’re all seeking the best talent to support growth opportunities for our businesses. The hiring and prescreening process can be time consuming and, unfortunately, sometimes it doesn’t always result in the best hiring decision. So how can you lower the risk of making a poor hire?

Prescreening Tools May Help

One way to elevate your hiring process is through the use of a prescreening tool. A prescreening tool Rea & Associates has successfully used is The Predictive Index (PI) Assessment. This cognitive assessment helps target key talent with the right fit for a job. It provides insight into a person’s capacity to learn, adapt and grasp new concepts. The PI does not measure IQ, but rather it provides an indication on how fast an individual can be expected to acquire new knowledge.

This valuable assessment tool also supports:

  • Talent Acquisition: Hiring the right individuals and decreasing turnover costs
  • Talent Development: Building teams and developing leaders
  • Change Management: Building trust and managing transitions to new roles
  • Growth Strategy: Improving productivity and driving revenue

How The Predictive Index Assessment Works

This assessment requires that individuals complete the test in 12 minutes. One part of the assessment asks individuals to check characteristics they feel others see in them. The second part of the assessment asks the individual to check characteristics on how they see themselves. That’s all! We then have the capability to enter the assessment into software and generate a summary report within a matter of minutes.

The summary report generated provides a narrative regarding the individual’s behavioral, communication and leadership styles to name a few. It will also provide an individualized behavioral pattern with insight regarding coaching and development opportunities to help this individual succeed.

If you’re interested in learning more about how such a tool can help your business in your recruiting and hiring efforts, email Rea & Associates or reach out to me directly for more information. I am happy to answer any questions and work with your team in providing this service.

By Renee West, SHRM-CP, PHR (New Philadelphia office)

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