Building Business Relations | Business Podcast | Ohio CPA | Rea CPA

episode 96: how to build relationships that drive business results

Matt Scherer | PMA Practice Transitions | Ohio CPA Firm
Matt Scherer joins Dave on this episode of unsuitable on Rea Radio to talk about business development techniques that are used in every industry. Listen now!

Relationships are critical in business, regardless of your industry or what you offer your customers. Matt Scherer, president of PMA Practice Transitions, a dental practice sales and transition company, spent nearly 17 years with Bank of America before embarking on his new role in the dental industry. While these two careers may appear to be completely separate, they actually have a lot in common. For starters, to drive results in your own business, you have to know how to network, develop your business, and expand your referral relationships. On this episode of unsuitable, Matt talks about how he ended up in this new role and how his networking skills have helped him further his career.

Networking isn’t a 9-5 Job

Your business relationships don’t pause when you leave the office, and most potential clients or partners are busy during the work day, so a lot of the most important networking and relationship-building you do will happen outside of work.

If you want to make the most of your network and build stronger relationships, this episode will teach you:

  • Why you should focus on quality over quantity in your network.
  • Who to target (and how to track them).
  • How to build referrals.

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articles & insight

Tying Marketing to the Bottom Line – Let your creativity shine and build your brand through marketing tactics. Read on to learn more.

Grow The Value of Your Business – As a business owner, your business’s fate is in your hands. You are responsible for taking control of your business in an effort to grow its value. Read on to find out how.

official transcript

Click here to read the complete official transcript to episode 96, “How to Build Relationships that Drive Business Results.”