Episode 5 | Don't Get Burned By Obamacare | Podcast | Ohio CPA Firm | Rea CPA

Episode 5: Don’t Get Burned By Obamacare

How Much Do You Really Know About The Affordable Care Act?

The Affordable Care Act – or Obamacare – has ushered in many changes, and the target is always moving. But there are some great resources available to help businesses like yours avoid the steep penalties associated with the ACA. Take a look at the following articles to learn more about your responsibilities under the regulation.

The Cost Of Reimbursing Employees For Health Care

Reimbursement arrangements that cover two or more active employees are considered to be “group health plans” and therefore must satisfy the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) applicable group market reforms — and noncompliance can be very, very expensive.

You may find yourself at risk for eligibility discrimination if, for example, you offer coverage only to the owner and an employee or two and not to the rest of your team. You also run into problems if you are found to be discriminating in the benefits your company provides.

American businesses have been feeling the push and pull of Obamacare on their bottom lines for a while. Now, it’s time for individuals who chose to forego health insurance coverage to see what the individual shared responsibility provision has in store for them.

Now companies that feel offering health insurance the covers contraceptives goes against their religious beliefs can opt out of providing this kind of coverage.

You may have heard some buzz lately about the Obama administration and/or the IRS barring employers from “dumping” employees onto the health care exchanges – with some truly severe cash penalties for doing so. But is this really “new” news? What exactly does this mean? It might surprise you to know that employee dumping is not all it seems.

Joe Popp Interview | Affordable Care Act | Ohio CPA Firm

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