End Of Year To-Do's For Company Payroll 2020 | Business Podcast | Rea CPA

Episode 262: End Of The Year To-Do’s For Company Payroll

Dee Gray Talks Payroll | unsuitable on Rea Radio | Ohio CPA Firm

Meet Dee

Dee Gray, CPP, is a client service specialist and payroll services manager in Rea's New Philadelphia office. In addition to being an expert in the area of payroll and payroll taxes, Dee maintains current standards and best practices by maintaining involvement in the Hall of Fame chapter of the American Payroll Association as vice president and the Ohio Conference for Payroll Professionals as a board member.

Dee Gray | Payroll Prep 2020 | Ohio Business Podcast

How COVID-19 Has Impacted Your Year-End Payroll Responsibilities

It’s been a weird year for just about everyone and everything, the economy included. So, this year’s end-of-year to-do list is a little weird, too.

To help us understand what’s different this year and some of the unique opportunities available to us, we sat down with Dee Gray, client service specialist at Rea & Associates. We talk about COVID-19 sick pay and the credits available, as well as W2 reporting, Employee Retention Credit, Social Security deferral options — both employer and employee — and W2 issues involved in the employee deferral.

What You’ll Hear

  • COVID-19 sick pay and how it affects W-2 reporting
  • The effect of employee retention credits
  • Social security deferral options and the potential issues involved

Learn More

Doug Houser Interviews Dee Gray | Payroll 2020 | Ohio Business Podcast

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