It's An Election Year, What Should I Ask My CPA? | Ohio Business Podcast | Rea CPA

Episode 247: It’s An Election Year, What Should I Be Asking My CPA?

Meet Chris

Christopher Axene, CPA, a principal on Rea's federal tax planning team, is responsible for complex tax transaction planning and review, choice of entity planning, IRS audit representation, and tax due diligence for M&A transactions. Additionally, he is responsible for the tax practice quality control program. Topics he can speak about (even in his sleep) include, federal taxation of partnerships, in-patriate taxation (U.S. taxation of foreign nationals), accounting methods, and involuntary conversions. Click here to learn more about Chris.

Christopher Axene | 2020 Election & Tax Reform | Ohio Business Podcast

2020 Presidential Election Could Trigger Tax Law Changes

With the 2020 elections approaching and the uncertainty of what the future holds for COVID-19, we can expect to see new legislation and tax-related provisions over the next few months.

Today, Chris Axene, principal at Rea & Associates, shares some of the decisions we can expect to see from the Supreme Court, as well as some of the questions you should consider asking your CPA during an election year.

Listen to this episode of unsuitable to learn:

  • How it will affect you if the Supreme Court finds the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional when they rule on it this October
  • The considerations to make when tax planning in an election year
  • The cash flow opportunities for businesses and individuals due to COVID-related tax provisions

Learn More

Doug Houser | 2020 Election & Tax Reform | Ohio Business Podcast

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