Cybersecurity & Post-COVID Re-Entry Concerns | Ohio Business Podcast | Rea CPA

Episode 238: Cybersecurity & Post-COVID Re-Entry Survival

Cybersecurity | Post-COVID19 | Ohio Business Podcast

Cybercrime: The Risk Is Very, Very Real

If you’ve been watching the news lately, you’ve probably noticed an uptick in reports about cybercrime as many companies operate with a remote workforce. And if you’re currently preparing for re-entry, unfortunately, your cyber-safety concerns won’t go away as soon as your team is back in your physical building — in fact, re-entry poses a lot of cyber risks to companies. 

That’s why we’re sharing this episode with two of the top cybersecurity professionals, Shawn Richardson and Ty Whittenburg. We discuss how to re-integrate your employees and your information systems without adding additional risk to your business, what threats to look for upon re-entry, and the most important issues to consider while migrating your workforce back to your company’s network.

Listen to this episode of unsuitable to learn:

  • How are companies re-integrating their employees and information systems into their company networks without bringing risk to the business?
  • Physical and digital evidence of a potential cyberattack that everyone in your business should be aware of while re-entering
  • Important things to look for when reviewing your company data (and why the ways people access this data matters)

Learn more about this topic:

Doug Houser | unsuitable on Rea Radio | Ohio Business Podcast

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