Taking The Numb Out Of Numbers During Recession | Ohio Business Podcast | Rea CPA

Episode 234: Take The Numb Out Of Numbers During Recession

Peter Margaritis | Accidental Accountant | Ohio Business Podcast

Get To Know Peter

Accounting was never the career Peter envisioned for himself at 17 – standup comedy was going to be his ticket. However, based on his father’s advise – “Don’t be a funny guy, Pete. Be a CPA, you’ll never be hungry.” – and a knack for numbers, Peter earned his Master’s in Accountancy and then his CPA license. He worked in key positions in several large organizations and did very well. But accounting really wasn’t his passion. He was, in fact, The Accidental Accountant. Click here to learn more about Peter!

Peter Margaritis | Chief Edutainment Officer | Ohio Business Podcast

I’m sorry. I don’t speak accounting …

There is no shortage of business owners who are trying to make sense of this current economic environment in an effort to sustain and manage their businesses, and they’re coming to accounting and finance professionals for support — but most of them don’t understand the foreign language of business. So, we all need to be aware of when we’re speaking a language that our clients don’t know so that we can help them navigate these uncertain times more effectively.

Luckily, Peter Margaritis has been helping accounting and finance professionals level up their communication skills for years, and he’s going to explain how those who are used to communicating in “tech-speak” can best communicate with and serve their clients. Peter, also known as “The Accidental Accountant,” is the author of “Improv Is No Joke” and “Taking The Numb Out Of Numbers,” the host of the Change Your Mindset podcast and the Change Your Mindset Speaking Demonstration on C-Suite Radio, and the author of a ton of other great content at petermargaritis.com

Listen to this episode of unsuitable to learn:

  • Why you should take an improv workshop
  • How to become a translator for everyone else
  • How to avoid overwhelming your audience when presenting complicated financial or tax information

Learn more:

Doug Houser | Recession Readiness Interview } Ohio CPA Firm

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