What Is Outsourced Accounting? | Client Advisory Services | Rea CPA

Episode 206: How Outsourced Accounting Services Can Grow Your Business

Matt Long | Outsourced Accounting | Ohio CPA Firm

Matt Long, a principal on Rea’s own CAS team, joins unsuitable to explain what CAS is and how this service can help companies grow and thrive.

Matt Long | Outsourced Accounting Interview | Ohio Business Podcast

The phrases “outsourced accounting services,” “client accounting services,” and “client advisory services” are generating a lot of buzz in the business community these days. But what exactly are these services and why should businesses even care?

Matt Long, a principal on Rea’s own CAS team, joins unsuitable to explain what CAS is and how this service can help companies grow and thrive.

First thing first: CAS is not the same as outsourced bookkeeping.

Bookkeeping is traditionally done after the fact, while CAS leverages cloud-based technology to perform analysis and provide business advice in real time. So, it’s more than just remote accounting — it’s essentially an outsourced team working to provide the same value as a CFO. Even if a business employs an in-house accounting professional, one person likely doesn’t have the full skill set, resources, or bandwidth necessary to handle this kind of real-time analysis.

If you are part of a small- to mid-sized business, listen to this episode to find out:

  • If CAS is a good choice for your business?
  • How CAS works to protect a business?
  • What CAS will look like in the future?
Podcast Interview | Matt Long | Ohio CPA Firm

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