Succession Planning | Exit Planning | Ohio Exit Planning | Rea CPA

Episode 2: How To Ruin Thanksgiving Dinner

Buy-Sell Agreements | Tim McDaniel Interview | Ohio CPA Firm

It’s Not Too Late To Start Your Succession Plan

Succession planning is a critical step in business ownership – particularly if you own a family business. In fact, if you hope to get the maximum value out of your business, you’d better start focusing on your buy-sell agreement. Statistics have found that about 40 percent of closely-held businesses fall apart before they are even passed on to the second generation, and the failure rate for third-generation businesses is a dismal 90 percent. But it doesn’t have to be that way – as long as you take time to put a plan in place with a well written buy-sell agreement.

Tim McDaniel | Buy-Sell Agreement | Ohio Business Podcast

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