Cyber Security | Emails | Podcast | Rea CPA

episode 124: don’t open that email

Mike Moran | Email Safety | Ohio CPA Firm
Mike Moran, president of Affiliated Resource Group, joins Dave to talk about security risks that stem from email and how businesses can train their employees how to spot the threats. Listen now!

Cybercrime isn’t just an “IT” issue; it’s a business issue – one with the potential to hurt even the largest businesses and organizations. Mike Moran, president of Affiliated Resource Group, joins this episode of unsuitable to provide a comprehensive overview of the security risks we are facing today. From basic hacks and data breaches to phishing and ransomware, you’ll learn what you need to do to protect your companies, your clients, and your people.

Understanding technology’s value in today’s risk-filled environment is a big focus of many organizations. As a business leader, the more you know, the better you can prepare to assess your risks and opportunities, build a plan to deal them appropriately, and ultimately, align your IT with your business goals.

If you are a business owner, or your job involves using any modern technology, you will want to know about these other topics discussed in this episode:

  • What hacks, security breaches, ransomware, and phishing scams are prevalent in today’s world.
  • The different types of fake emails that are used today, how they are used, and why they matter.
  • How prevention tools, detection methods, responses processes, and your people can be used to address cybercrime.

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articles & insight

Cyber-Criminals Steal Payroll Funds From Atlanta Public Schools – Larger entities are beginning to be targets of cyber-criminals. Without the proper training, your organization could be vulnerable.

Don’t Take The Bait – Your email is the perfect spot for cyber-criminals to attack. Don’t take the bait when going through your inbox and be aware of cybercrime.

Can A Cybercriminal Crack Your Company’s Network? Ransomware has become a great threat to businesses of all sizes. Learn what to do to help prevent a ransomware attack on your business.

Don’t Get Too Comfortable – Protection is key when it comes to the fight against cybercrime. Don’t let yourself become the next victim.

Education Is The Enemy Of Cybercrime – Education is the main tactic to fight cybercrime. Learn what it takes to have the knowledge to prevent a cyberattack at your business.

official transcript

Click here to read the official transcript for episode 124, “Don’t Open That Email”