Audit Tips | Business Podcast | Ohio Accounting Firm | Rea CPA

episode 110: how to prepare for a painless audit

James Moore | Audit Best Practices | Ohio CPA Firm
James Moore, an audit specialist, joins us on unsuitable on Rea Radio to talk about the numerous reasons business owners shouldn’t fear the auditor. He goes on to talk about ways to prepare for your next audit. Check it out!

Does the thought of an auditor on your doorstep fill you with fear? Well, it shouldn’t. Here at Rea, we have more than a few really great auditors on staff (and we’ve worked with countless others), and we’re happy to report that most of them aren’t nearly as bad as they’re made out to be. In fact, not only are they generally great people, they also know how to have a good time. On today’s episode of unsuitable on Rea Radio, James Moore, an audit specialist, will treat you to some behind-the-scenes tips that will help make your next audit a little more enjoyable. And if that doesn’t change your mind about the role of an auditor, he’s gonna attempt to win you over with song.

At the end of the day, remember that you and your auditor are united by a common goal – issuance of a report on the client’s financial statements. If you work as a team, you can arrive there in a smooth, efficient, quick (and painless) manner. If you want a painless audit this year, you’ll want to listen to this episode to learn:

  • How to prepare yourself, your team and your financial statements for an audit.
  • How to set the right expectations (and understand what is expected of you).
  • Why you should hold your auditor accountable by setting reasonable and realistic deadlines (and how to do so).

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articles & insight

Preparation Is Key When It Comes To An Audit – An audit is what you make of it. By having a positive outlook and being prepared for an audit, you can make your life, and the auditor’s, a whole lot easier.

10 Reasons Why You Could Be Audited- When there are questions or concerns about your business’s financial reports, you can expect to be audited.

official transcript

Click here to read the official transcript for episode 110, “how to prepare for a painless audit.”