Estate Planning | Business Podcast | Business Consultants | Rea CPA

episode 103: estate planning awareness: why it matters & what to do

Dave McCarthy talks estate planning with unsuitable on Rea Radio‘s host Dave Cain

Sooner or later, time catches up with all of us. As unpleasant as that thought may be, planning for death is, in fact, a necessary part of life, and we simply couldn’t think of a better time to share some critical estate planning tips with you than this week – which also happens to be National Estate Planning Awareness Week.

Dave McCarthy has a knack for estate planning and trusts. We discuss how to choose an executor, which assets to include in your estate plan, what you should do with your asset list, and what other documents you should have in place before you die.

Estate Planning is for Everyone  

Well over half of the people in the U.S. do not have an estate plan. Many people feel that they’re too young, too single, or simply don’t want to deal with it. However, even if you don’t have to pay an estate tax, you still have to worry about successfully transferring your assets to someone else.

If you want an orderly transition of assets, you will be interested in these other topics discussed in this episode:

  • What you need to do to better understand your estate plan.
  • How to choose the right executor.
  • How to make a list of assets, and what to do with that list.

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articles & insight

The Birth Of The Taxpayer’s Estate – Managing your loved one’s estate can be a long, intricate process that can be tough to handle. With the proper assistance, you will fulfill your duty to the highest level.

Protecting Your Wealth – There are certain sections of your estate plan you should look over more carefully to make sure your financial decisions are executed after you’re gone.

Now Is The Time to Organize Your Family Records –Save yourself and your loved ones some trouble by documenting your personal and financial records and make them easily accessible.

official transcript 

Click here to read the complete official transcript to episode 103, estate planning awareness: why it matters & what to do.