Understanding Customers | Customer Immediacy | Ohio CPA | Rea CPA

episode 102: today’s customer service paradigm is all about immediacy

Chris Liebtag | Customer Service | Ohio Business Podcast
Chris Liebtag, Lean Six Sigma black belt and project management expert, joins Dave on this episode of unsuitable on Rea Radio to talk about how businesses can benefit with more efficient customer service practices. Listen Now!

Businesses can no longer afford to be anything but attentive, accommodating, and polite when it comes to customer service. One wrong word or tweet from someone on your front lines might be all it takes for your company to go viral … and that’s not necessarily a good thing. So, with all that’s at stake, what are you doing to improve the quality of your own customer service practices?

As a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, a Lean Gold Practitioner and a Certified Project Management Professional, Chris Liebtag, has helped businesses nationwide achieve greater effectiveness and efficiency. He joins us on unsuitable to share how a few simple adjustments to your existing customer service processes can yield incredible results.

There is such a thing as ‘bad publicity’

With the rise of social media and changing consumer behaviors, immediacy is the name of the game. However, the immediacy of social media also makes it very easy to go viral, and often companies end up going viral for their mistakes. Your organization may not have the capacity to recover from (or avoid) these situations if you aren’t implementing effective customer service processes.

If you serve a client or customer in any shape or form, you can benefit from some of these strategies discussed in this episode:

  • The 3 common drivers of the customer experience (and how you can address them).
  • How efficient processes allow businesses to add value.
  • Why capacity of time allows for innovation and responsiveness.

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official transcript

Click here to read the complete official transcript to episode 102, “Today’s Customer Service Paradigm is All About Immediacy.”