IT Data Protection | Great Data Saver | Ohio CPA Firm | Rea CPA

Episode 12: The Great Data Saver

On episode 12, “The Great Data Saver,” we’re joined by data and online security expert Joe Welker, CISA. Joe shines some light on new IT threats and offers some insight into data protection techniques individuals and businesses can use to prevent disasters, destruction, and the tampering of your critical information. This episode will provide you with valuable insight Joe has gleaned from his 32 years of IT experience, including the importance of using intrusion detection systems, password protection, implementing IT protocols and properly qualifying cloud providers through scrutinized security risk assessments.

additional resource

Don’t ‘Terminate’ Your Business Data Security Establishing Security Policies and Procedures –  A lot goes on when someone leaves a company. Sometimes you have the ability to prepare for the departure. Other times, you don’t. Amidst the flurry of activity, one thing you shouldn’t forget is data security.

Joe Welker Interview | Data Security | Ohio Business Podcast

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