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Episode 7: Investments … Are You Doing It Wrong?

On episode 7, we’re joined by Doug Feller, principal and financial advisor at Investment Partners. Doug will share with us his proven secrets and most effective strategies in helping business owners manage and grow their wealth. During this episode, we will discuss how to make your money work harder through smarter financial planning and wiser investments. Click below to begin listening to Unsuitable on Rea Radio.

Articles and More Insights

Saving Early Can Payoff During Retirement – If you’re like most people, someday you would like to retire. The problem is that almost 50 percent of us are at risk of not saving enough to maintain our current life style in retirement. According to the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, you should have 20 times your annual income saved for retirement to help supplement Social Security. Read on to learn more.

Planning For Uncertainty in Retirement – Retirement income planning becomes much easier if you know the day you’re going to die. Take your assets, subtract your legacy wishes, divide by the 15.37 years you have left, factor in a modest growth rate, and voilà – you have your annual income.

Five Financial Considerations for Every Age Group – Are you on track to meet your financial goals? Review the following financial considerations for your age group and evaluate where you may fall short.

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