Understanding Your Strength | Business Podcast | CPA Firm | Rea CPA

episode 64 – know & own your strengths

Becky Boyd | StrengthsFinder | Ohio Business Podcast
Becky Boyd joins Dave on this episode of unsuitable on Rea Radio to talk about StrengthsFinder and how personality assessments are great tools to help develop a company’s team. Listen now!

Want to know exactly what makes your team shine? Becky Boyd discusses the power of personality assessment tools and how they can be used to help your employees learn more about themselves and how they fit into a team setting.

Too often, employees focus solely on tactics to help them improve their weaknesses. A more effective tactic however, might be to encourage them to zero in on their positive qualities. If you want to help your employees be successful in the workplace, help them build on their strengths.

This episode of unsuitable on Rea Radio will help you identify and develop important qualities that will support the positive progress of your employees as well as the company as a whole. To learn more about the ways various personality tests can encourage progressive development in your business, listen to this episode of unsuitable now.

Becky was introduced to StrengthsFinder 2.0®, a popular tool used to understand an individual’s strengths while helping them identify ways to improve upon them in an effort to meet one’s full potential during a leadership program. Her experience moved  Becky to introduce her team at Rea to the tool in 2015.

“It was very eye-opening. It really helped me understand myself and how I fit in with the groups that I’m a part of.”

No matter the size of your organization or field of work, Becky recommends implementing a personality assessment tool to help take yourself and your company to the next level. By being more in-tune with each other’s personalities and strengths, it will reduce conflict and boost camaraderie.

These other personality tests may help in understanding and improving the effectiveness of your team:

  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) – This tool is used to make the theory of psychological types easily understood and valuable in people’s lives.
  • DiSC – This tool is used to open discussion about differences in individual’s behavior. This program will take you through questions that will make a report about your personality and behavior.

Part 1

This is part two of a two-part series about hiring and team building. Listen to part one now.

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official transcript

Click here to read the official transcript for episode 64: know & own your strengths