Healthcare Management | Accounting Podcast | Healthcare CPA | Rea CPA

episode 47 – healing healthcare’s highs & lows for business owners

Mike Stull, chief marketing officer of Employers Health and board chair for the Healthcare Collaborative of Greater Columbus, joins Mark on episode 47 of unsuitable on Rea Radio, “healing healthcare’s highs & lows for business owners,” to guide listeners through the intricacies of America’s healthcare delivery system. Specifically, Mike tackles the question about why, even under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), healthcare costs are on the rise while cost-shifting from employers to patients, which takes the form of consumer directed health plans, also continues to increase.

And while there may be much to criticize with regard to the ACA, Mike points out some positive changes some providers are making by proving and producing value within the healthcare system. Specifically, Mike calls out PCORI, which was born from the ACA and was established to specifically fund comparative effectiveness research to help patients choose healthcare options best suited to their unique needs. He notes the emergence of a number of demonstration projects being funded by the Affordable Care Act and run through Medicare and Medicaid, such as the multi-stakeholder approach of the Comprehensive Primary Care initiative, which helps move provider behavior toward medical effectiveness and consumer value. Initiatives such as these bring back the relevancy of primary care and its relationship with the patient in delivery healthcare and maintaining ongoing healthcare effectiveness.

Episode 47 highlights how these healthcare changes effect employers. Specifically, the fact that innovative initiatives are being used to flush out “improper” or “bad” care to buy down the cost of America’s “ineffectual” healthcare. In turn, patients are more likely to receive the proper, recommended care by changing the ways providers and doctors are reimbursed based on their ability to deliver on these required fundamentals of care.

Now, according to Mike, when they shop for healthcare, employers don’t just ask about administrative costs and deductibles. Rather, they inquire on how insurance companies are working with their network providers to improve the quality of care; a combination of patient outcome and experience divided by cost. This is a healthcare paradigm shift for employers and providers in the U.S. During the podcast Mike also discusses many new regulations regarding the fully insured (those paying the insurance carrier a direct monthly premium), which are pushing health insurance carriers to be more efficient, and thus more apt to embrace healthcare reforms.

Mike also notes a shift from fully insured to a self-funded strategy, meaning that the plan is responsible for paying the claims and managing the risk of its population. In a good year where an employer has fewer claims, the employer can then save the difference between what they actually paid and what they would have paid in premiums and never gotten back. Additionally, Mike points out that the employer can buy re-insurance or “stop-loss” coverage and set it at a limit that the company is comfortable with – hence mitigating further their risk, and not leaving themselves as the employer, totally exposed.

articles & insight

Don’t Get Burned By Obamacare – The Affordable Care Act – or Obamacare – has ushered in many changes, and the target is always moving. But there are some great resources available to help businesses like yours avoid the steep penalties associated with the ACA. Read on for assistance.

What Is Form 1095-C – Have you wondered how your business was going to be held accountable for the provisions detailed in the ACA? Wonder no more. This article will answer your questions.

Who Needs To File Form 1095-C? – Form 1095-C is part of the set of IRS tools to ensure that both businesses and individuals are playing by the rules and to penalize them if they are not. Failing to comply can be incredibly costly. Read on to find out if you need to file this important form.

Make Big Changes Or Face BIG Fines – You may already have someone handling your Form 1095 reporting for you. If this is the case, schedule a time to check in with them and make sure everything is on track for the January filing deadline. If you don’t … drop everything and take care of this responsibility immediately. Keep reading to find out why.

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