Tax Planning Strategy | 2017 Tax Changes | Ohio CPA Firm | Rea CPA

episode 43 – prepare to plan, so you can plan to be better prepared

A better tax strategy begins with a solid plan and on this episode of unsuitable on Rea Radio, we are rejoined by Melane Howell, a tax expert, to find out how to plan an prepare for the 2017 tax season – regardless of the time of year.

First and foremost, Melane raises awareness of changes that were made to some of the most critical 2017 tax form deadlines. She reminds all listeners that, in order to take advantage of key credits and deductions, business owners must be aware of any changes far in advance. She also made us aware of another change that could result in some major issues for those who may have exaggerated their income and/or expenses by more than 25 percent. Before, the IRS had three years to audit taxpayers suspected of this behavior. As of 2017, the government agency will have 6 years to investigate.

Once current on all the critical deadline changes that could impact your business or organization, it’s time to meet with your tax planner and prepare your upcoming tax strategy. For example, you may want to consider deferring bonuses until January of next year to minimize your tax bill. Or, consider placing any additional income into your 401(k) plan to help grow your retirement nest egg. Another option that could benefit your bank account is accelerating expenses by harvesting some tax loses netted against any gains. This strategy could give you the benefit of time as the year-end deadline looms.

If you are currently balancing a house payment you might find some relief by paying your January mortgage expense in December and taking advantage of the extra interest already paid into that year. Another common strategy that can help homeowners is the bunching method. When you “bunch” your expenses, and pay taxes in advance of the year they are due, you can deduct your expense in the year you paid.

Don’t forget about the other tax incentives you could consider using with proper planning. These could include charitable giving and college tuition incentives designed to help keep your tax bill low. You can also consider paying your state estimated taxes early in an attempt to claim the deduction for the year it was paid. Finally, be sure that you secured minimum health coverage every month to avoid ACA penalties.

One of the best ways to determine which tax strategies you should be taking advantage of is to have a tax projection prepared every fall. This will help you identify what issues you could be dealing with when April comes along, which will give you the time you need to overcome any potential surprises.  

tax calculators 

While there is no substitute for meeting with a professional tax planner, we have some calculators that can help along the way. You can also find more helpful links and resources in the “Tools” section of our website.

1040 Tax Calculator

Estate Tax Planning

Net to Gross Paycheck Calculator

Payroll Deductions

Self-Employment Taxes 

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