Business Entities | Business Podcast | Ohio CPA Firm | Rea CPA

episode 40 – maximize your equity: maintain the right business entity

How much thought did you put into how your business would be structured. Did you consider whether economic conditions would be more favorable if your company operated as a LLC (Limited Liability Company), C Corp or S Corp? Were the tax implications weighing heavily on your mind as you wrestled with this important decision? Your business’s structure is not a decision to be taken lightly and Gene Spittle, CPA, PFS, CGMA, a principal at Rea & Associates, will tell you why on this episode of unsuitable on Rea Radio.

On this episode, Gene talks about various forms of business entities and why structure is so important. He will also weigh the pros, cons and general challenges associated with making the transition from one entity to another. Specifically, listeners will learn more about:

  • The popular LLC option, which effectively limits an individual’s liability to any investments, debts or loans that are personally guaranteed.
  • The costs and tax ramifications generally associated with switching from a C Corporation to an LLC.
  • Why some owners may want to transition their business from an S Corp to a C Corp for tax purposes and why certain assets, such as real estate, should be managed outside of the C Corp.
  • The benefits of operating as an S Corp and why timing the structure of your business can be incredibly beneficial.
  • The role succession planning plays on an owner’s desire to restructure their business and how doing so can help you avoid huge corporate taxes.

This episode will benefit business owners in all stages of their careers and will help illuminate solutions to challenges regularly faced by entrepreneurs like you.

additional resource:

Tax-Free Stock Options Exist For Some Small Businesses – Back in the early 90s, Congress passed a tax provision designed to increase investment in America’s small businesses. And while the provision’s name, IRC Sec. 1202, may not roll off your tongue very easily, it’s one that some small business owners need to know. Read on to learn more.

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