Problem Hunting vs. Threat Hunting | Ohio Business Podcast

Episode 292: Problem Hunting vs. Threat Hunting

Cybersecurity Threats For Businesses | Shawn Richardson & Jorn Baxtrom | Ohio Business Podcast

Meet Shawn

Shawn Richardson is a U.S. Army, Master Sergeant (Retired) He earned his graduate certificate in computer science & management IT systems from the U.S. Army School of Information Technology. Shawn's main objective is to help small to medium-sized, mid-market businesses achieve entrepreneurial freedom without the risk of compromising their security and sensitive data. He creates meaningful relationships with clients and leverages his critical thinking skills to bring value to organizations seeking consultation for risk management, cybersecurity, and compliance. Shawn’s focus is on the implementation and outsourcing for cyber services.

Meet Jorn

Jorn Baxstrom is a cyber consultant at Rea & Associates with over 15 years of experience in IT. He received his bachelor's degree with specializations in MIS (management information systems) and ISAC (information system auditing and control) from Bowling Green State University. He joined Rea as part of the 2020 merger with Dyer Roche. His mission is to understand the goals of business owners and to provide IT solutions for them. 

Jorn Baxtrom & Shawn Richardson | Cybersecurity & Data Protection Services | Ohio Business Podcast

Eliminate The Threat Of Bad Actors With Cybersecurity

In today’s increasingly virtual world, cybersecurity is more important than ever. When cyber threats come knocking, how will your business respond? Ensuring your business’s safety starts with an understanding of cybersecurity. What should your business be focused on: problem hunting or threat hunting? Cybersecurity experts Jorn Baxstrom and Shawn Richardson discuss managed service providers (MSPs) versus managed security service providers (MSSPs). This difference is key when determining if your provider is hunting problems or zeroing in on threats in your business.

Is your managed service provider problem hunting or threat hunting. Find out if you need a managed security service provider instead - unsuitable - Rea & Associates - Ohio Business Provider

Choosing the Right Cybersecurity Strategy for Your Business

Shawn and Jorn have helped business owners understand and implement cybersecurity protocols that help protect businesses from cyber threats. They support clients in the space of IT and cybersecurity so owners can rest easy knowing their hard work is protected, and get back to what matters – running the business.

What You’ll Learn About Problem vs. Threat Hunting In Your Business

On this episode of unsuitable on Rea Radio, the duo talks about the operational differences between the two (problem hunting vs. threat hunting) and whether the service provider you’re working with is focused on helping you hunt for problems in your business … or threats. 

Listen to this episode of unsuitable to learn:

  • The difference between hunting for problems and hunting for threats.
  • The operational differences between MSPs and MSSPs.
  • Additional resources that will help you take your cybersecurity and data protection efforts to the next level.

Additional Cybersecurity Content

Rea & Associates is proud to be an industry leader in the field of cybersecurity, a topic that we discuss frequently. We’ve interviewed leading experts in cybersecurity about their area of expertise and how businesses can better understand cybersecurity to build plans that serve and protect their businesses. Protecting your work and investment in your business will ensure the safety and longevity of your business for years to come! If you would like to learn more about this topic, check out previous episodes of unsuitable or some articles we’ve published on the topic.

Learn more about this topic:

Doug Interviews Shawn And Jorn | Cybersecurity & Data Protection Services | Ohio Business Podcast

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