Manufacturing Outlook | Essential Functions For Your Business | Ohio Business Podcast

Episode 274: Manufacturing Outlook: Essential Functions For Your Business

Andrew Geiser | Manufacturing CPA | Ohio Business Podcast

Meet Andrew

Andrew Geiser is a CPA in Rea & Associates' Millersburg office where he helps lead the manufacturing and distribution services area of the firm. Additionally, he helps clients solve complex issues that cross multiple disciplines but spends the majority of his time in the areas of cost and profitability analysis, general consulting, and tax planning.

Andrew Geiser | unsuitable on Rea Radio | Ohio Business Podcast

How To Prepare For The Unexpected: Lessons Learned

2020 taught us many lessons, mainly that you will never truly be prepared for everything no matter how hard you try. Even so, understanding the essential functions of your business may help keep you going strong until you can get back on course.

Andrew Geiser, a senior manager on Rea & Associates’ manufacturing and distribution services team, shares his projections for 2021.

What You’ll Hear

  • How the labor market may be affected by unemployment extensions
  • Why marketing and sales work are essential to the functions of a business
  • What projects are in the works for the future

Learn More

Doug Houser Interviews Andrew Geiser | unsuitable on Rea Radio | Ohio CPA Firm

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