Modern Business Development With Amy Franko | Ohio Business Podcast | Rea CPA

Episode 237: Modern Business Development Through Disruption

Amy Franko | The Modern Seller | Ohio CPA Firm

Meet Amy

Amy Franko is a strategic sales expert and keynote speaker. As a sales leader, Amy Franko built a successful and lucrative B2B sales career with global tech giants IBM and Lenovo. She then took a 180° pivot into entrepreneurship in 2007, launching a training company, Impact Instruction Group. Since that time, the company brand offerings have evolved. It’s now known as Amy Franko Associates, with a specific focus on sales and leadership excellence.

Known for her dynamic style and practical experience, Amy has worked with some of the world’s most recognizable brands. She is one of a few female sales and leadership keynote speakers who blends current research, fresh insights, and real-world examples. 

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Amy Franko | Business Development | Ohio Business Podcast

Amy Franko Shares Expert Sales Tips

We’ve all experienced disruption lately. But, as they say, the show must go on. So, if you want to grow your business, you must find ways to continue the important job of business development, even when everything has changed.

Our expert guest on this episode of unsuitable is Amy Franko, author of the Amazon best-seller “The Modern Seller.” Amy discusses business development during disruption, how to organize your pipeline, how to stay in front of clients and rise above the noise, and how to help your customers prioritize what’s most important right now.

Listen to this episode of unsuitable to learn:

  • The importance of our mindsets as business developers during this period of time
  • How to stay in front of clients and rise above the noise
  • Thinking beyond the current crisis (without ignoring it)

Learn more about this topic:

If you would like to learn more about Amy, check out her website at

Doug Houser | Ohio Business Podcast | Amy Franko Interview

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