Help Managing Employee Benefit Plans | Ohio Business Podcast | Rea CPA

Episode 230: You Might Need Help Managing Your Employee Benefit Plan If …

Pam Dunlap | Employee Benefit Plan Audit | Ohio CPA Firm
Pam Dunlap | ERISA Plan Audits | Ohio Business Podcast

Under Inspection

These days, employers know that, even though they might offer their employees the opportunity to save for retirement by participating in their company-sponsored retirement plan, most people aren’t doing enough to get themselves over the finish line. As a result, government agencies continue to look closely at employee benefit plans to ensure that everything is being done to set more people up for success.

Pam Dunlap, is here to talk about this challenge and what companies can do to pass the Department of Labor’s increasingly stringent inspection.

Listen to this episode of unsuitable to learn:

  • Why the days of outsourcing retirement plan management are over.
  • What the Department of Labor is focusing on.
  • What to do if you are thinking about buying a company and need to determine what to do with your plan.

Learn more about this topic:

Doug Houser | unsuitable on Rea Radio | Ohio Business Podcast

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