Family Legacy Planning | Personal Finance Podcast | Rea CPA

Episode 214: Family Legacy Planning Explained

Darlene Finzer | Family Legacy Planning | Ohio CPA Firm

Darlene Finzer, CPA, QKA, CSA, is a principal in Rea's New Philadelphia office. In addition to having extensive employee benefit plan experience, she specializes in retirement readiness, financial fitness, fiduciary responsibility, and more. Check out her full bio

Darlene Finzer | Legacy Planning | Ohio CPA Firm

As a CPA and business consulting firm, nothing gets the folks at Rea & Associates more excited than a good plan. So, since everyone is starting to look forward to 2020, we think this is a great time to get better acquainted with legacy family planning — and you can really never start thinking about your legacy too early.

Darlene Finzer, a principal and legacy training specialist at Rea, joins the show to share her insight on this important but oft-procrastinated topic.

Listen to this episode of unsuitable to learn:

  • What legacy family planning is and how it’s different from estate planning (which is also important).
  • Three different approaches to leaving a legacy.
  • Four steps to a living legacy.

Learn more about this topic:

Darlene Recording Podcast | Ohio CPA Firm

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