episode 184 | Tim McDaniel | ALS Warrior | Transcript | Rea CPA

episode 184 – transcript

Dave Cain:               One of our reoccurring topics on this podcast has been the importance of planning for the unexpected in business and in our personal lives. The last several decades, one of our most outspoken advocates on this message on this podcast has been Tim McDaniel, a principal on Rea’s valuation and transaction advisory services team. Today, Tim’s central message will not be about the importance of planning ahead in your business.

Dave:               Instead, he will be delivering another message, one that is deeply personal and that zeroes in on the subject that has turned his entire life upside down. In fact, the title of today’s episode is Advice from a Dying Man.

Dave:               Every year around 6,000 people in the US are diagnosed with ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease. Recently, Tim, a long-term leader and principal at Rea & Associates and long-term colleague joined the fight. Today, ALS is always fatal and patients typically live three to five years after diagnosis, but it doesn’t have to be this way. In recent years, there have been great strides in the scientific community and it’s only a matter of time before a cure is found. Unfortunately, there are other roadblocks to contend with as well. And these are the roadblocks Tim and so many others who are determined to remove.

Dave:               May is ALS Awareness Month. And we are proud to bring you this special episode of unsuitable on Rea Radio to help raise awareness of this terrible disease.

Dave:               And I’m your host, Dave Cain. Welcome back to the podcast, Tim.

Tim McDaniel:                Well, thank you David. I really appreciate Rea taking the time to do this.

Dave:               This is a by all accounts, this may be your fourth time.

Tim:                I think so.

Dave:               So got a very interesting topic. We want to talk about ALS and maybe use the next few minutes to help educate our listeners on the disease, what to look for, and maybe some things we can do as a podcast community to help raise awareness and funding. So, let’s start off and talk about, what is ALS?

Tim:                Well, it’s also called Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Cause Lou got it, actually he spoke 80 years ago about, and this summer is the 80 year anniversary of it.

Tim:                It’s a motor neuron disease where the motor neurons that are in your brain and in your spinal cord, they no longer communicate with your muscles and your muscles die. So that’s really all your voluntary muscles will die. Anything you can move on your own will eventually die.

Tim:                So what happens is to people they start off like me where I had foot drop. My left foot did not work right and keeps progressing and eventually I’ll end up in a wheelchair. Somebody’s going to have to bathe me, change my diaper, feed me, and those type of things. There’s many people with ALS, the only thing they can do is move their eyes.

Dave:               Their eyes. Okay.

Tim:                Steve Gleason’s a hero. There’s this fantastic show called Gleason on Prime Video. It’s well worth watching if you’re interested. This guy was an NFL play who was a hero for the Saints, did the famous punt/block… He has done amazing things. Today, he can only text with his eyes, but he’s doing amazing things. He’s Also a dad. He had a baby last year, so that still works.

Dave:               Sure.

Tim:                Yeah. He drives his wheelchair. He texts. He does all these great things, just with his eyeballs.

Dave:               So again, it’s a neuro disease that again, your muscles, just as you mentioned, just die and not work, and it starts in the limbs. Now, you had mentioned your foot, and that’s where it all kind of started. Your foot and leg.

Tim:                Yeah, I’ll correct you on one thing. Sometimes it starts in your voice. That’s called bulbar onset.

Dave:               Okay. And when were you diagnosed with ALS?

Tim:                Officially, it was Valentine’s Day of this year. Happy Valentine’s gift.

Dave:               Yeah. Oh boy. And what is your prognosis as we sit here today?

Tim:                Well, they tell us it’s two to five years once you get diagnosed. There’s many people I’m communicating with right now that have it for 10 to 15 years. Steven Hawking had it for 50 but there’s some people that less than a year, they die. So it’s a very variable disease, impacts everybody so differently.

Dave:               So, even though it’s a two to five year window and that’s kind of the things that I’ve been reading. Again, body decline starts almost immediately, shortly thereafter you’re diagnosed.

Tim:                Many times, the body decline obviously it happens before you’re diagnosed, because there you go the doctor and stuff like that, because things are all happening.

Dave:               Now, we talked off mic. You’re still able to drive an automobile.

Tim:                Right.

Dave:               What about run the vacuum cleaner around the house? Is that probably off limits?

Tim:                Well, it’s funny the things I wish I could do, is go pick up dog poop. I wish I could to go out in rush hour traffic. I wish I could go out and mow the grass. These are things I cannot do. My left leg is very weak. My left foot’s paralyzed. I have to walk with a walker. I really can’t bend down. My arms are getting weaker. It’s hard to button up the shirt. Those type of things.

Dave:               So those things, the everyday things that we take for granted, I take for granted, our listeners take for granted, that you’re sitting there saying, Boy I’d love to do that stuff.

Tim:                Right, right. I would give anything to do that.

Dave:               You know, I see that you’re using a walker so you can no longer walk without the aid of a walker or crutches or someone helping you.

Tim:                Right.

Dave:               You know, I was admiring your walker here. It looks pretty cool. Maybe we need to paint that thing brown and orange for the Browns. Put a number six on there and get all ready for football season.

Tim:                Well, you know, it’s a two to five year prognosis, but it’s not the future grandkids I want to live or my wife is the Browns are turning it around.

Dave:               There you go.

Tim:                So that’s what’s really driving my drive to stay here on Earth.

Dave:               You’ve got it, you’ve got it. And are you in pain?

Tim:                No.

Dave:               No pain.

Tim:                No, other than sometimes you do fall and stuff like that, so.

Dave:               Okay. I understand you recently took a trip to the beach and we’re doing things that everybody else did and had some fun.

Tim:                Well, I wasn’t doing everybody did. I could sit on the balcony and look at the sun and eat seafood, but I couldn’t go on the beach and walk around and go in the ocean. My wife’s a tall, skinny gal and she couldn’t support me to walk.

Dave:               To walk there?

Tim:                Yep.

Dave:               Okay. I want to talk about, today’s driving theme is becoming an ALS warrior and I think that is totally at the top of your goALS to become a warrior for this thing. And I want to dig into that. I think we’ve got a clear understanding of the disease as best we can. It’s a paralyzing disease that’s onset. It’s starting to hit you a little bit.

Tim:                Well, there’s a couple other things I want to explain about the disease.

Tim:                It’s a strange disease that impacts people who are healthy more than people unhealthy. If you worked out or in the military, you have more than a two times chance of getting it. An article just came out, they expect a 69% increase in this disease over the next 25 years.

Dave:               When did you … were there any signs, that you can, thinking back? You mentioned your foot, but anything, you know the last five, 10 years you think, oh boy, now I’m looking back that maybe it was a sign.

Tim:                Yeah, good question. Because one of my passions is that to get the early symptoms is out there because for me I had this thing called foot drop and my doctors kept on saying, You don’t have ALS. Don’t worry about that. Because I would bring it up and they say my foot drop was because of a pinched nerve in my back. So I had back surgery and then after back surgery, my symptoms really took off.

Tim:                And looking back, I wish I knew the early signs of it, because I would have either fought the neurologist or gotten other one. So, weakness in any limb is a sign. But twitching, they’re called facticulations, is a big sign. So if you have muscle twitching in your arms, legs or tongue, that’s a big sign of ALS. Muscle stiffness is another big sign. So, those are early symptoms. If you have weakness and twitching. I don’t want to scare people, but it’s something to think about.

Dave:               Right. Well, we’re looking for advice. Again, I’m very ignorant of the disease as are are most people and I think that’s one of the things we want to look at is, hey, what are the symptoms? And like you said, I think there’s some good things there. Don’t take it for granted.

Tim:                When I had the foot drop, I was just running in front of the house and my foot didn’t work, but I would look in the mirror and I would see all this twitching, all over my body. And that’s again, looking back, I wish my doctor would have took off my clothes and looked at my body.

Dave:               And saw that. How long ago would you say as we sit here today, did that twitching start?

Tim:                Well, I think it was about the same time as the foot drop. That happened December 2017.

Dave:               Okay, so really recently. Anything out there that you’ve read, and I know you spent a lot of time reading and sharing ideas, is this hereditary? Anything hereditary in this disease?

Tim:                Less than 10%.

Dave:               Less than 10%?

Tim:                Yes.

Dave:               What about diet activities? You’d mentioned sometimes the folks in the military, people working out, maybe it hits them, but anything else you can educate us on?

Tim:                Well, the workout people, athletes, there’s some theories maybe concussions, but I think the bigger theory is the nerve impingement. People who workout have spinal issues, neck issues, those type of things. Maybe that starts the process, is the theory. I mean, there’s other theories out there, but they still haven’t figured it out.

Dave:               Sure.

Tim:                But that’s again, if you’re a male ages 40 to 70, and you worked out in the military, you have a much higher chance of getting it.

Dave:               Are you still able to read, watch TV, text, do emails, think through all of that? That’s still pretty strong?

Tim:                Yep. It does not impact your mental capacity very much.

Dave:               Okay. So you just can’t move around, but you can still think through some ideas.

Dave:               Now, and certainly, you’re a longterm employee of Rea. You’re currently on a leave of absence. So you’re communicating but not an entire amount until this thing gets organized.

Tim:                Right. I’m thankful for how Rea has treated me on short term disability. I would just talk a little bit more about the disease. So quarterly, I go see a doctor. And one thing they do is measure how much I decline. There’s no real discussion of it, sure….

Tim:                But as you decline, they offer you services to help you out.

Dave:               To do that. Okay.

Tim:                So, there’s no talk right now of a cure. So, when I say I’m on short term disability, there’s not much hope I will come back to work.

Dave:               Okay.

Tim:                But I’m still in communication with our valuation team, talking about issues and stuff like that.

Dave:               I do want to step back a little bit and talk about your legacy with Rea & Associates. I’m happy to say that business valuation team right now is alive and well and great and a lot of that has to do with the seeds you’ve sown and the leadership and the thoughtfulness that you’ve had to, hey, I’ve got to find my replacement. And I remember, 10 years ago we were having those discussions and you began to do that. So hats off to you, where the Rea Business Valuation Team is today is a direct correlation of your hard work.

Tim:                Yeah, I think maybe Mary Beth Kessler has done a great job taking over it and Holly Tern and I have worked for over 20 years and she’s still part of it.

Dave:               She’s awesome.

Tim:                Yep. All the clients love her.

Dave:               You know, Tim, I was reading your blogs and your care page and you talk a lot about the importance of your faith as you go through here. You know, when the disease started and you found out about ALS, how big a role did your faith play?

Tim:                Well, it plays a huge role., but there’s days where I’m pissed off at God. I’ll be upset and there’s days I’m glad and my hope is really in next life that I’ll have a new body. I’ll race you, I’ll kick your butt because I that I have a head start.

Dave:               You get a head start. I was very curious on that. And I assume there’s some anger, but I think in the latest kind of blogs, I think especially the ones around Easter time, the resurrection, I could sense and feel that man, you were there. You got it. You got your arms around it.

Tim:                I actually just ordered a book and I just got it, some guy who’s a deep spiritual Christian guy who got it at 47. He’s been living with it for 15 years. And he’s talking about it’s the best thing that ever happened to him because his intimacy with God is out of this world now. So, I’m going to learn from him.

Dave:               Good. Thanks for sharing that very personal moment. We’re going to talk here in a little bit about how to get involved, but there’s a drug I think, you shared with me: neurone. Is that the drug that we’re talking about that’s out there?

Tim:                It’s a treatment. By a company called Brainstorm. Neurone is a stem cell process. Just what it is. And they’re phase three triALS right now and there’s been some people on the Internet that are in my position, but now they can run. It’s been the first hope we’ve had as ALS patients.

Tim:                Now, I can try to qualify for a trail. I have to apply, like I’m applying for college. They can accept me or not, but what really sucks is the closest place I can go is in Boston. So that’s 750 miles away. I have to go there 18 times over the next year and I have a 50% chance of getting a placebo. So, I have a deadly disease and the FDA is saying we have to go through this process, and the closest time that that would be available under the current process would be two years.

Dave:               Two years, okay.

Tim:                And it might be too late for me.

Dave:               Okay.

Tim:                So, that really, really is upsetting to all … We call them pALS, people with ALS. And it’s just very, very depressing that the FDA is saying just be patient.

Dave:               And so let me make sure I have my facts correct. There is a treatment out there, it’s not approved, but for any chance of you getting in there, realistically it’s a two year wait?

Tim:                Right. Before and under the current process, before I get approved, then be commercially available. But there’s things that could happen today if the company and the FDA decide to work together. There’s something called right to try. As a patient that has a deadly disease, I’ll say, enough, if it kills me, okay. But I have a right to try it and pay for it myself.

Tim:                There’s something called accelerated approval, which the FDA can say, time out. Let’s not do the phase three trial. Let’s just say it’s okay. It’s going to be approved. Then the insurance companies and everybody could work together to get it to the patients and stuff like that. That’s what’s driving us crazy. We don’t understand why the FDA has not responded to our requests. Why isn’t this available to us?

Dave:               You’re right. Time is not on our side.

Tim:                Right.

Dave:               And is there anything that is being done, whether it’s protest, letter writing, you know, talking to our politicians, to move this along? To paraphrase what you said, I don’t have two years. We may not have two years. Or in two years, I may not be able to speak. I may not be able to walk.

Tim:                I may be too far along before I can use the drug.

Dave:               Right. And oh by the way, there are side effects. You might get a headache, you might get an upset stomach. You might get some of this and you’re like, I don’t give a damn. Just give me that treatment. And that’s the stem cell treatment?

Tim:                Right.

Dave:               Before we jump into that further, I want to step back a little bit. Take us behind the scenes and again, this is kind of follows the faith discussion. Very personal.

Dave:               When you first were diagnosed and you had to start telling, your family, your friends, your colleagues, how in the world did you find the strength to do that?

Tim:                That was so hard. Yeah, my son took me to my neurologist appointment where I got the official diagnosis. So obviously, I told him first and then my wife and my other two kids that first day. And the love and support I’ve received is overwhelming. That makes me want to be the best ALS warrior.

Tim:                But I had to do it in stages, because it was so overwhelming. My family first and then close friends and then close workmates and all that type of stuff. Now it’s kind of a little bit more public and I feel so grateful that usually every day I have so many visiting me and walking my dog Oreo.

Dave:               Yes, that’s right. Oreo. Yeah, Oreo’s become a popular person …

Tim:                That’s right.

Dave:               Oreo’s around here somewhere.

Tim:                But I Also want to shout out to my lovely wife. We’ve only been married for just over a year, but she’s an angel, and sometimes I’ll say, Geez, I shouldn’t have married her, because she’s getting into this. But her love is amazing and it’s been the best thing that’s happened to me, so it’s been great.

Dave:               Wonderful. Thanks for sharing. I’m not often for a loss of words, but I’m kind of for a loss of words on that, after that. Very heartfelt.

Dave:               Now, let’s talk about how to get involved. Are you able to speak to other organizations, other groups, companies that maybe have an employee that has ALS? You’re so inspirational in your business background. I think you can make a difference.

Tim:                Yeah. So I joined an organization, I’m part of an organization called I Am ALS. It’s IAmALS.org. It’s amazing what they have accomplished in a short time. Brian, the leader, just spoke to Congress a couple weeks ago. He’s back in Washington today.

Tim:                But there’s like 20 of us PALS, we’re trying to make a difference. So visit that website to learn more.

Tim:                There’s the other part of people who are planning to make a protest at the FDA in June. I’m not sure if I’m going to join that yet or not, but I’m going to look into that. There are a lot of people with ALS who want to go there. And the other thing I would like is to get on media to talk about this, because this is like, I think HIV.

Tim:                Remember HIV 30 years or so? And people say, oh, geez. How’s this going to get cured? This is horrible. And they found a cure pretty quickly, but the government, the companies, everybody invested in this, and what we feel as PALS, they say, Well, this is a rare disease. There’s only 20,000 of you in the United States. But if it was like Parkinson’s, there would be three or 400,000 of us. It’s because we die so quickly. That’s why it’s a rare disease. And we just want everybody just to help us get the word out.

Tim:                See us. Share us. Join us. Is sort of the phrase we like to use.

Dave:               So the organization is IAmALS.org. We can look that up. We’re sitting outside of a suburb of Columbus, Ohio. Is there a organization within central Ohio?

Tim:                Yeah. The ALS … Ohio chapter is really good. They’ve been really helpful to me. We’re going to have a walk in September, which I hope to participate in. I might be in a wheelchair, but I want to be part of that to raise funds and awareness, so the central chapter is good.

Dave:               You know, I believe that walk is scheduled for September 22nd right here in Columbus and I believe Rea & Associates is going to have a team. We’re putting together a team. Walk to defeat ALS, trekking for Tim. So that’s in the works.

Dave:               I know you’re a Browns fan and you’re thinking, okay, I checked. That walk is on a Sunday, September 22nd.

Tim:                Oh, it is? A bummer.

Dave:               In the afternoon. But you know, don’t fret. The Browns have a Sunday night game. 8:20 kick against the Rams.

Tim:                Wow, that’s great.

Dave:               So this is pretty good.

Tim:                I think we’ll be 14 and 2 this year.

Dave:               14 and 2?

Tim:                Rams might be a game we lose.

Dave:               Yeah. Let’s shout out to the listeners that support Rea walk to defeat ALS on September 22nd and I think here at the end of the podcast, we’ll mention how to do that, but basically in short now, and we’ll repeat it, is jump on the Rea website and we’ll find your warrior site on there and get some things going.

Tim:                I want to get back to a ALS warrior. What’s been amazing is I’ve connected with maybe 50, 60 people that have this disease and they’ve been an inspiration to me. And how do you find an ALS warrior? Some people who get this disease, quite frankly, they kill themselves. There’s a high percentage of suicide.

Tim:                Some choose to do a bucket list, they just go out, do all they can. But there’s other, I call an ALS warrior. That’s somebody who wants to fight hard to stay here and Also to change the course of the future of the disease. That’s how I define ALS warrior.

Tim:                So right now, I’m taking about 15 supplements. I’m taking a drug that supposedly is going to extend my life by a few months. You know, I do a little bit of exercise and do all I can, so I can be here to see Browns victories and grandchildren and again, so many people love me that it’s been an inspiration to stick around.

Dave:               As I look outside the window, it’s not a very nice day for me. It’s raining. Not a lot of outdoor activities. You’re looking at that saying, this is a wonderful day.

Tim:                Yup.

Dave:               Give me 10 more. Give me 500 more of these. I’m going to fight. I’m a warrior.

Tim:                Right.

Dave:               And again, going back to your business background, you are a warrior in your segment. I mean, you fought, you did that, you started it from scratch. You know how to do this, you can do this. You need some help.

Tim:                Yes. Yeah, so how can people help me?

Tim:                If you can contact me with any media sources, I’d love to be in papers and TV or radio or something like that to spread awareness. What us PALS need. Write to Congress and senators. We’ll have a form, sort of a form like that on our website that will have a template for that.

Tim:                Also, you can donate to I Am ALS or the local ALSA chapter to help the fight.

Dave:               And again more information is the better the education. You have a Twitter handle and that’s @TimMcDaniel and I think you have a lot of information on there plus you do a lot of blogging and writing and continue to do that. I must mention, you’ve written what? Two or three books?

Tim:                Two.

Dave:               So, you’re a pretty good writer.

Tim:                Yeah. I may have a third one.

Dave:               Oh, you’re working on a third one?

Tim:                Maybe.

Dave:               Good. Keep on going with that. Before we finish up, anything else as far as warrior related that we want to share that maybe we missed? I know we just kind of scratched the surface, but I think we’ve got a lot of this.

Tim:                Yeah. I think, be educated about this disease. It’s a growing disease and the earlier you can catch it, the longer I think you can live. If you want to be educated more, watch the show Gleason. It’s a good show that shows somebody going through this disease.

Tim:                The big decision we all have to make, which Gleason makes, is eventually, I won’t be able to breathe. My diaphragm muscles will become weak. And that’s how we die. So the big decision we have to make is do we get a ventilator that artificially keeps your breath alive? Like Hawking did, like Gleason did, and those type of things.

Dave:               Are you scared of dying?

Tim:                No. I’m not, but with the Browns reinvention coming, I want to hang around.

Dave:               You are a warrior. You know, we’ve got to get this to the Browns.

Tim:                Let’s add one more.

Dave:               Blue Jackets.

Tim:                Blue Jackets.

Dave:               You’ve got it.

Tim:                Plus, I just started watching Game of Thrones.

Dave:               Now we know what you do all day. You know, you’d mentioned a bucket list and I thought I heard you say you really don’t have a bucket list, you’re just going to do what you want to do.

Tim:                Well, what I’m saying is some people say, I’m just going to my bucket list and do a bunch of a things. I think there’s things I want to do but I Also want to focus on helping others and being with my family and those type of things.

Dave:               And continue to educate, educate, educate.

Tim:                Right.

Dave:               I know you’re a baseball fan, as we both are, certainly, you know, I went and and checked out Lou Gehrig’s farewell speech from baseball and there was a line in there that I pulled and I want to read to you because I think it fits you to a T and it says:

Dave:               I might have been given a bad break, but I’ve got an awful lot to live for.

Tim:                Right.

Dave:               And that was Lou in his farewell speech. He’s probably the most famous one, but there’s some other folks you’d mentioned, as well.

Tim:                Yeah, the guy who created SpongeBob died in November of ALS. And Tim Greene, a famous NFL player, just announced he had it in November, and stuff like that. There’s a lot of people you’d know who have it.

Dave:               The other thing you’d mentioned, there’s maybe a lot more people out there that had been misdiagnosed that have the disease and either they pass away before it’s fully known.

Dave:               The last takeaway, we certainly talked about your story and the second one was how to get involved and we’re gonna push that out at Rea & Associates through our website. But the third takeaway that we wanted to talk about was prepare for the unexpected. Right? And you know, again, we’ve kind of touched on this where the succession planning over the years helped your success, but you want to kind of wrap up a few things on prepare for the unexpected.

Tim:                So when I had my first symptom of this, I was 57 years old. I ate probably 80% organic healthy food. I worked out two or three days a week. I was probably in the best shape of my life, and I got this disease. I had just had a physical. Everything was good.

Tim:                And there’s a lot of stories out there of people getting slammed by an accident, illness, something like that. If I didn’t prepare and hire Mary Beth as my replacement, there’d be no Business Valuation department today.

Tim:                And the other thing I’m glad I did is my disability insurance. I didn’t think I’d need it. Buy long term healthcare insurance, which eventually, I’m going to have to pay somebody to come in here to do things for me. So I do have some insurance for that. And have adequate enough life insurance that my wife and kids will be taken care of. So, I think it’s important.

Tim:                Everybody should sit down one day, I’d say a quarter or a year, and think, What if something bad happened to me? What would that look like to my family and friends?

Tim:                The one thing I haven’t done yet, which is going to be hard but I need to do this, is start planning for my funeral. Those type of things. To see somebody who is loved dying is bad but it’s worse when you have to take care of these other things, so make life easiest you can for those who love you.

Dave:               Well, it sounds you’re really at peace with the planning you did for the unexpected. The financial planning and hats off to you. We hear about it. You preached that from the beginning of your career and lo and behold, you’re living it and I guess, to our listeners, we encourage you to get that planning, look at the unexpected. You never know when that happens.

Tim:                Well, the reality of it is I’m going to be 59 in about a month. So, maybe I had 20 more years, but I’m facing what everybody is facing. We all will die. No matter how healthy we eat, how much we work out, all of us are going to die. That’s a for sure thing. It’s just knowing when. Mine’s just more compressed.

Dave:               So, what you’re saying is it doesn’t matter what you eat. So I guess the takeaway is, hey, you know, cheeseburgers, fries, pizza, bucket of beer, let’s go. You know?

Tim:                Well, I’m not sure I agree with that.

Dave:               Wonderful idea on the planning. And Tim, thank you for sharing your story with us today. Very heartfelt, very moving, and thank you for providing us with the resources we can use to get involved in the fight to find a cure for this terrible, paralyzing disease.

Tim:                And thank you for doing this. I really appreciate it. And thank you to Rea partners and management team. part. They’ve done a great job of supporting me through this process.

Dave:               Listeners, we’ve included links to many of these resources on our website at www.ReaCPA.com/WarriorTim.

Dave:               Let me read that again to you. It’s www.ReaCPA.com/WarriorTim and I’ve got to tell you, sitting here with Tim, he is a warrior.

Tim:                Thank you.

Dave:               Tim, give us a goal. You said doc gave you two to four years. What’s your goal?

Tim:                To beat that.

Dave:               You’re going to beat it. We’re going to beat it with you.

Dave:               Again, follow the link on our webpage to gain access to central Ohio chapter of the ALS Association, the I Am ALS organization that Tim referred to and don’t forget to sign up for Rea & Associates’ Walk to Defeat ALS team. That information will all be on our website, along with Tim’s personal blog and more stories. We will Also post updates as they come in about the work Tim is doing to raise awareness and advocate for FDA approval of vital treatments.

Dave:               I hope you will check back regularly and we’ll try to post and get a picture of Tim when he’s protesting in Washington, DC in front of the FDA offices. That should be a great picture.

Dave:               Thank you again for listening to this special edition of unsuitable on Rea Radio. I hope you were inspired after hearing Tim’s story and I hope you will seriously consider the many merits of planning for the unexpected.

Tim:                Hey Dave, can I borrow your spiel for that?

Dave:               You can. You totally can. And we’ll get that right in the mail to you.

Tim:                Okay.

Dave:               On behalf of the podcast community and the entire Rea family, which includes our employees, our clients, our professional networks, our friends and families, Tim, we wish you the best of luck and continue to be a warrior for a cure.

Dave:               Until next time, I’m Dave Cain, encouraging you to make a difference and join the fight as we continue to support Tim and his battle and advocate for ALS warriors everywhere.

Disclaimer:         The views expressed on unsuitable and Rea Radio are our own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Rea & Associates. The podcast is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the professional advice you would receive elsewhere. Consult with a trusted advisor about your unique situation so they can expertly guide you to the best solution for your specific circumstance.