episode 158 | Bookkeeping | QuickBooks | Rea CPA

episode 158 – what to do when it’s november (and your books are still a mess)

Amy Smith, joins unsuitable to discuss the importance of good bookkeeping and how to properly use QuickBooks.

It’s that time of year again – time for us to start shouting from the rooftops about the importance of year-end tax planning and tax season prep. Yes, you probably hear your accountants talk about this stuff all the time, but it’s only because we care. Not only will good bookkeeping habits save you tons of time in the long-run, you might find that you actually save some money too.

Amy Smith, is back to talk about what you actually stand to gain when you get your books in order.

It’s not too late!

The 4th quarter is your prime opportunity to get ahead of tax season and get your books up and running, even if you haven’t started yet! We know that a lot of small business owners are extremely busy and focused on what’s happening today and (maybe) tomorrow, and they’re not necessarily thinking about the end of the year, especially not 30 years from now. But if you couple taking advantage of tax planning and utilizing retirement planning as a benefit to offset tax, you’re going to thank yourself in January and when you retire.

If you are paying your taxes (you are paying your taxes, right?), you will be interested in these other topics discussed in this episode:

  • How year-end tax planning might save you some money
  • What you can do now to get ahead of tax season
  • The most important and most easily overlooked items you should be looking to organize as you get your books in order

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articles & insight

Want To Win Tax Season? – Want to take control of your business in 2019? Then it’s time to take control of your bookkeeping.

What Free Time? – QuickBooks is a great tool for business owners and there are ways to improve the experience. Read on to learn more!

QuickBooks: Not Just A One-Trick Pony – You can do so much more than managing your accounts payable and receivable when you work with QuickBooks. Keep reading to find out what this powerful software can do for your business.

official transcript

Click here to read the official transcript for episode 158, “what to do when it’s november (and your books are still a mess)”