Revenue Sin | Cash Flow Management | Ohio CPA Firm | Rea CPA

Episode 10: The Revenue Sin

On episode 10, “The Revenue Sin,” we’ll share an inspiring, insightful and engaging session with Brad Martyn, Founder & CEO of FocusCFO, one of the largest CFO service firms in the Midwest. During this episode you’ll learn the attributes of a healthy company and the importance of a cohesive culture, achieved through proper cash flow and cash flow budgeting. By remaining disciplined while embracing change, you’ll gain insights to this long-term strategic focus for true business profitability. Love the journey by learning to vet customers, reset objectives, and harness the power of cash flow to drive true business clarity.

meet brad martyn

Brad Martyn, founder and CEO of FocusCFO brings more than 30 years’ executive management and leadership experience to the organizations he works with daily. Brad regularly works with entrepreneurs on issues ranging from strategic planning to day-to-day operations. FocusCFO is the largest CFO services firm in Ohio. Learn more about Brad and FocusCFO.

articles & insight

Series: Build A Better Business From The Inside Out

This series looks at the four core business systems you need to have in place to operate at an optimal level and maximize your internal cash flow. Check out all four parts here:

Not All Growth Is Good Growth – Production is booming, demand is high and you are humming along at full capacity, so you decide to take on more work. Just about the time you think business couldn’t get better … crash! Read on to find out what went wrong?

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