Episode 4 | Strategic Planning for Business | Ohio CPA Firm | Rea CPA

Episode 4: How To Run With The Big Dogs

Just because one growth strategy was successful for one business owner doesn’t mean you will achieve the same results. Therefore, when it comes to your business’s strategic planning strategy, you need to take a good, hard look at your business and what you want to accomplish over the next 5, 10, 20 years.

Are you thinking about establishing or reassessing your company’s strategic plan? Check out the resources below for some inspiration.

Strategic Planning: The Road Map To Success

Success rarely just happens. In fact, it takes a lot of hard work, planning and direction from a company’s management team. Furthermore, it requires firm-wide dedication to a comprehensive road map called a strategic plan.

5 Best Practices For Taking Your Business To The Next Level

Have your sales and profits remained relatively flat for years? Do you see potential but don’t know how to tap into it? Following these guidelines will help add the structure and forward thinking required to take your business to the next level.

Take stock of your competitive advantages and the degree to which these differentiators warrant increased sales. Do unique features warrant increased sales levels? Can you enhance offerings to improve your competitive position? What new offerings are possible within the current market segment and skill set of the business? Ultimately, your business is limited to the breadth and accuracy of your vision.

Typical business owners have more than 60 percent of their net worth tied up in their business. That’s a huge piece of their nest egg. Yet, most business owners don’t treat their business as an investment – as something they need to watch, nurture and care for just as they do their 401(k) or other investments.

Lee Beall Interview | How To Run With The Big Dogs | Ohio Business Podcast

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