Time Management Tips | Work Productivity | Ohio CPA Firm | Rea CPA

Take Control with These Time Management Tips

Time Management | Productivity | Ohio CPA Firm
An hour and a half of wasted time spread throughout the day for an entire week results in almost an entire wasted work day. Instead of falling victim to the productivity trap, take back your day by adopting a minimalist approach. Read on to learn more.

We all know how easy it is to get caught in a productivity trap – constantly rushing around only to have nothing to show for the many hours of hard work you’ve put in. Before long, you are leaving the job every day feeling overworked, underappreciated and stressed out. Fortunately, when it comes to increasing productivity and overall job satisfaction there is a brighter way.

How To Get More From Your Day

Stop Multi-Tasking

Don’t buy in to the misconception that tackling many projects simultaneously will result in improved productivity. It won’t. Instead of accomplishing many things at once, you are actually falling victim to an inefficient project management strategy. Furthermore, when you have several tasks “in-process,” more time is likely to be wasted during the transition from one project to another. Improved productivity begins with greater focus. A comprehensive to-do list is a great way to get you on track. PRO TIP: Identify what needs to be accomplished today, later in the week or over the next month or so. This will help you stay on top of important tasks, making it more likely that you will soon bask in the feeling of accomplishment sooner rather than later.

Clean Up Your Act

I surmise that you don’t really know how cluttered your mind or your space is until you experience it uncluttered. Here are a few tried-and-true tips to help you tidy the messiest of spaces.

  • Use Those Tools: Many of today’s products were specifically designed to help make our lives easier. In fact, you probably have the tools available at your fingertips already. It’s time to pick them up and use them. Your smartphone, for example, gives you access to all kinds of resources. From apps and calendars to voice recorders and message capabilities; rather than take up brain space remembering everything, let technology do some of the heavy lifting.
  • Don’t Organize, Minimize: Don’t be fooled, these two verbs actually have two very different meanings. Organization, in its simplest definition, is the act of rearranging what’s already there. Minimizing, on the other hand, is eliminating excess. While excess is relative to the individual, if you frequently find yourself moving paper around, sifting through piles and/or bringing in more furniture and filing cabinets to hold your stuff, it’s time to eliminate the excess.
  • A Clean Office Is An Efficient Office: The best way to maintain a decluttered work space is to create a place for everything. Then be sure to always put everything in its place – immediately. Start by making sure your work space includes only essential tools. For example, you don’t need a drawer of writing utensils if you only ever use one pen. As for your desk and walls, ask yourself if the items you keep are used and whether they add value to your life. If they don’t, remove them.

Minimize Your Clicking/Keystrokes

Something as simple as keyboard shortcuts can help you optimize the use of your computer and, over time, can help you ease the daily workload. PRO TIP: If, like most people, you find yourself performing the same keystroke routines over and over again, then you might benefit by creating a macro. A macro allows you to record a certain string of commands (such as inserting the date in a letter, spacing down and inserting a greeting or formatting a number, column, font or table a specific way). Once created, one button can run that entire string automatically, meaning that you’ll now have to hit one key to accomplish the work of 20. Another less intimidating option is to use your Quick Access Toolbar (assuming you are a Microsoft user).  By adding only the features you use frequently, you will minimize your options of features to only your most frequented ones. You can learn how to create a macro or customize your ribbon by going to the help menu or taking a course in Excel or Microsoft Office.

Plan For Distractions 

Whether it’s an unexpected phone call, questions from your team or drama on Facebook, something will distract you from your work and you will lose your focus. Rather than allowing a distraction to take you off guard, anticipate and plan for them. You may not know what you are planning for, but you can still set aside time specifically for “unplanned activities,” which will help prevent important tasks from being pushed out of the way when unexpected demands on your time occur. PRO TIP: Avoid checking your email in the morning. Instead, set aside time before or after lunch to sift through your inbox. The first part of the day would be better used diving into your most challenging or highest priority task when you are most productive and alert.

An hour and a half of wasted time spread throughout the day for an entire week results in almost an entire wasted workday. Instead of falling victim to the productivity trap, take back your day by adopting a minimalist approach. While learning shortcuts and decluttering may appear to be adding to your plate in the short term, rest assured that it will be well worth the investment in the long run.

Email Rea & Associates to learn more about improving productivity.

By Anita Martin, CPA (Medina office)